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Don't U forget
To take all you wish to take
With yourself into the Mystery!..
Life wasn't a useless fake,
It means so much for the History
Of Earth deeds. What your Spirit needs
Is a new fresh flash water splash,
Again U will find!..
Awakening Consciousness and Mind...

Have U already met you Love?
The Twin Flame, sent from Above?
Did you guess the meaning of Life?
Have you passed it at least a half?..

Search for a Moment
Of Glory of God!
Drive the Existence van!
Any Tree or...

I like
When I do not need to play the role.
I can throw off the mask and be myself.
I do not need to hide my soul.
I can be honest and sincere.
I like
When I can feel the freedom in my heard.
I can be open
Because I know
You will understand me
You will support me
You will not hurt me.

If you ever know,
That it is so extremely well
When you do not need words.
When you look in someone eyes
And all is understandable.
When someone speak
And you don’t hear
You only try to catch...

Energy... the universal power,
making any thing and matter one.
It creates eternal tower
of everything that was and should be done.

Existence... the calibration source,
giving all its name and special task.
Where energy is a special force
that's up to place ideas on the desk.

Divinity... the existential ocean,
where every essence plays its role on stage.
Where energy is spinning in a motion...
and it is so at any time in any age.

Болью моею играя,
Он жизнь мою пропоет,
Рифмой её наполняя,
Песнею нежно убьет,

Нежно меня убивая
Он мою жизнь пропоет

Его красивы песни и стиль его пленит,
И я пришла услышать, что он в себе таит.
И вот передо мной он - сердцу не знаком

Болью моею играя,
Он жизнь мою пропоет,
Рифмой её наполняя,
Песнею нежно убьет,

Нежно меня убивая
Он мою жизнь пропоет

Меня привел в смущенье весь этот людный зал.
Он будто мои письма всем громко зачитал
Я жду, что стихнут звуки...

Веровал в единую sanctam catholicam et aposto-
licam ecclesiam? был лысым? миллионером? за-
крывал глаза и смотрел, слушал, первым, шум,
перемещений в объёме, по поверхности, пересе-
кал окрестности, проникал, насквозь, (нож ….
сквозь масло), nacheinander,… друг за другом,
выключал модальности ощущений, находил гла-
вное во второстепенном, был убиенным, и уби-
вающим, один подле другого, прибывал, в уны-
нии (ныне и присно, и во веки веков?) оков сте-
реотипов, клише, рутины, не...

Your love is a subtle knife,
Like a double-edged sword,
Or like a thorn of a Dutch rose…
The magic power of yours
Brings a delightful mental anguish…
Your manners are flirtatious and vampish.
Your eyes… The morning stars, they shine on your visage,
Their light passes through life and death -
Through our existence.
Your lips… Like a forked tongue of a snake
They pierce my soul
And make it shed sweet tears, which you drink
With ecstasy.
Your hair is a golden net,
In which I was...

Be thou blessed, Aurora, sister of Eos! The Heaven shines with the splendor of Deity! O Ra, Aten, and others with them, ye shine like diamond dew in the South, like diamanté snowflakes in the North. And ye grant life to all the living creatures. Ye generously spread your rays in the face of the Earth. The World celebrates the Sunrise.
February 2-4, 2012

I saw the multitude of shining constellations,
A-looking at the heavens through your eyes.
The destiny has sent me satisfaction,
However, I haven’t found the Paradise.
The stellar light is beautiful and blessed,
But it comes from the stars, which are already dead;
Our love, our love, which hopelessly lasted
A while, tears my heart to pieces, splits my head.
I won’t disturb you, all is gone forever,
The Universe belongs to us no more.
The ashes of our feelings are a feather,
Which is a...

In the flashing current of the urban life
In the cocktail of voices and sirens,
‘Mid the northern tempests, blizzards
And the fogs above the rivers
Thine life-giving voice is testifying
Of the coming of her Majesty the all-good Spring.
And you sing, and you sing,
Although you aren’t a nightingale,
Thine quiet silvery song is louder than the crack of doom.
It flows like sweetest music,
Which gives hope, invigorates and emboldens.
And the Earth casts off its icy test,
The sparrow’s...

The child of the Volga region,
White, like a butterfly in the pitch black night
And fragrant, like an incense in the dungeon,
You stand alone in all your royal might.
Born by the land of the disgraceful strangers,
So cold and wild, and by the Heavens cursed,
Within the glades and mountain ranges,
You dwell on the summit of the Universe.
Your life is sad, but hopefully,
You are a luminary for this World, truly.

June 14, 2012

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