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The sunset blazes ‘pon the vault,
This afternoon dies slowly forever,
The world is overfilled with weariness and fatigue,
Another episode of this life’s masquerade
Comes to an end…
The curtain falls…
And beauteous Agnes Adoma,
The prima donna of the opera house,
A-shining in the luster of her fame,
Leaves her beloved stage to the ovation
Of the spectators.
Her eyes! Her gorgeous green eyes!
They shine, like emeralds in the midday fire of heaven!
Her skin is white, like a snow of the...

The Sun is rising, lighting up the woods,
Proclaiming the power of the light,
The beehives, nests under the azure hood
Are chanting their ode of delight.
The Star is streaming all over the Earth
And all the World is rejoicing and exulting,
Under the Sun each day is a day of birth,
The planet is overfilled with joyous sounds.
‘Tis very spare: dawns, the skies, the air,
But what can be more powerful, indeed?
Our Mother Nature is benign and fair,
We are her children, that’s our main deed...

The silvery night sinks down in heavenly cracks.
Fires of lanterns convict a predatory
sight of the urban wolf.
The dissolute fog irons
a cold body
the fan of mad silence.
The wild, unrestrained perfection of the moon
will penetrate in heart of the pith angels.
Wake up, it is time to collect legends of ripe constellations,
crop of the grape god of love.

In dancings shadows the current of narcotic visions revives.
By concourse of sharp winds finds breath ancient fear.
Dress masks...

The true religion hides within yourself.
You will reveal it by a true divine will,
Breaking up all mind's lies and shelf,
But having clear look still...

It's not about special section and dogmatics.
It's free and beneficial just for you.
For me - to make the world so enlightened,
That it will come united perfect view.

Oh yes, there are some true and magic moments,
Higher than a usual life itself.
Aura, angels, energy of glory...
As well as it is atom and your health...

The wind is in high frolic with the rain.
Outside the garden a little yellow leaf
Clinging desperately to its mother branch

I pick up the leaf
And put it in the book,
Giving it a home.

The armour glinted harshly dull
In beams of setting sun,
Its polished parts sat smartly on
To shield the solid One.

He stood there rock,
A metal spur
On stones of mighty wall,
Beyond of that came ever high
The flags of City Hall.

His squinted eyes were watching far,
His hand was grasping bow,
Cast arrows ramped for piercing flight
And sword –
For clashing blow.

Those craven foes…
They dared not to come to Warrier’s sight.
They shrank in holes
And damned cursed
With voices...

The old man of Peru,
Who dreamt he was eating his shoe.

He woke in the night
In a terrible fright,

And found it was perfectly true.

Это предопределено,
Это предопределено:
Чистые сердца 100 миллионов
Изменили судьбы людей,
Расторгли злой план.

Конец зла близок.
Конец зла близок.

Зло разрушается изнутри,
Зло разрушается изнутри,
Конец зла близок.
Конец зла близок.

Завеса иллюзий поднимается,
Время темноты закончилось.
Великий Закон сердца здесь
Управляет сердцами людей,
Управляет сердцами людей.

Это предопределено,
Это предопределено:
Конец зла близок.
Конец зла близок.

Оглянемся назад на это...

In the New Age, with the possibility
Of looking at Life Spiritual,
We now may let ourselves
Make spots of past effectual

And now we see differently
Past and the "Here and Now"
We guess: all that happened was Holy,
The Idea of God was allowed

So, everybody, let's Thank
Everyone who was following a script,
Choosing the Fate by themselves,
Who made the old World be slipped

It will not be easy, my friends,
But sometimes it will be too simple,
And, anyhow, it will rise us

I play the game - the Game of Life,
I cannot find the end,
But I stay calm and I enjoy
The "birth-and-dying" Band

And then, just after sixteen years,
When I am kind of man,
After a year of whiner talks,
The Brightening gives me Hand

I learned, what said the Jesus Christ,
Cause Bible is misunderstood,
It's good for those who rules the Land,
It's kind of stuff or selling goods

And now I am the Light of Love,
I'm going to Abundance,
And now I know the mean of Life,
It came to...

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