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The wind is in high frolic with the rain.
Outside the garden a little yellow leaf
Clinging desperately to its mother branch

I pick up the leaf
And put it in the book,
Giving it a home.

What they are searching, what looking for?
Blind stars of wisdom - blind glance of open sore?

They want to hear your human pleads?
When every night you keep repeats
the words for mercy to the Lord,
and every single, branded word
pure despair floating through your throat?

Or they awaits when you smash up
with simple feelings filled cup?
When you breakdown, when you collapse
When you breath out «No more…enough!»

But no, you wrong.
They don’t intend.
They just the stars, they...

Silence is round me, wideness ineffable;
White birds on the ocean diving and wandering;
A soundless sea on a voiceless heaven,
Azure on azure, is mutely gazing.

Identified with silence and boundlessness
My spirit widens clasping the universe
Till all that seemed becomes the Real,
One in a mighty and single vastness.

Someone broods there nameless and bodiless,
Conscious and lonely, deathless and infinite,
And, sole in a still eternal rapture,
Gathers all things to his heart for...

I don't promise you
That I will love eternally.
You look in heavens blue.
Feel me today internally.
Light music of my soul.
Play tenderness of touch.
Once we have lost control,
Now we should know how much.

I searched for you everywhere.
I waited for you set of years.
I needed you as in air.
I listened to music of spheres.
Our eyes have met,
It's absolutely the other world.
You're mine, you're sweet.
We are two parts of a single whole.

Your passion has spread wings,
We will...

I always needed time on my own
I never thought I'd need you there when I cried
And the days feel like years when I'm alone
And the bed where you lie is made up on your side

When you walk away
I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now?

When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
All the words I need to hear
To always get me through the day
And make it OK
I miss...

Любимый мой, ты спишь - сырой, землёй объят,
И заметает снег твою могилу ...
Единственный, ...как я тебя любила -
Жаль, времени волну не откатить назад.

Я без тебя душой на крыльях не парю,
В горах без нас цветёт душистый вереск.
Ажуром папоротник расплескал листву,
И моё сердце в твой "уход" не верит.

В земле - уже пятнадцать диких декабрей
Ты мёрзнешь - я согреть тебя не в силах.
В страданиях, ощущаю всё ясней -
Твой дух мне помогает выжить, милый.

Впервые после долгих...

People say that
We will die
On 21th December
Seems like it’s quite rightly
Oh! Finally determined
The day of death all over the world!

There is one schizophrenic idea
If someone is afraid to believe
And he can’t just relax

He can stop reading this
And any claims won’t be accepted!
When I was in hospital in the reanimation room
I was about 50 years old
I was in prostration
I’ll try to describe it

Nine nights
I was walking...

Your love is a subtle knife,
Like a double-edged sword,
Or like a thorn of a Dutch rose…
The magic power of yours
Brings a delightful mental anguish…
Your manners are flirtatious and vampish.
Your eyes… The morning stars, they shine on your visage,
Their light passes through life and death -
Through our existence.
Your lips… Like a forked tongue of a snake
They pierce my soul
And make it shed sweet tears, which you drink
With ecstasy.
Your hair is a golden net,
In which I was...

The Sun is rising, lighting up the woods,
Proclaiming the power of the light,
The beehives, nests under the azure hood
Are chanting their ode of delight.
The Star is streaming all over the Earth
And all the World is rejoicing and exulting,
Under the Sun each day is a day of birth,
The planet is overfilled with joyous sounds.
‘Tis very spare: dawns, the skies, the air,
But what can be more powerful, indeed?
Our Mother Nature is benign and fair,
We are her children, that’s our main deed...

Jerusalem exults with joy:
Behold ye Christ the King!
He is the only true envoy
Jehovah’s. Let us sing
The chants of faithfulness and love,
True Love of ether high,
Whose herald is the peaceful dove;
Turn hearts to Jesus: aye!

Men of the world, praise Him, rejoice
And bring Him precious gifts
And listen to His assertive voice
And live in grace and thrift.

October 11-12, 2012

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