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At the Best Planet
Of Solar System
The Atmosphere is heated -
The Purple Children
Are Against the System
Of the outworn tricks and meastreating.

The Revoultion of Spirit,
The Revolution Of the authorities,
The Revolution Of Consciousness:
All the Past is sour,
The New Gears
Do Catch the Cognition in Touchness.

The Awakening,
The Enlightenment,
The Self:
The Renaissance,
The Universal Songs,
The Recoverability of a real Shelf

One who is against
Should Go...

Just make your best while living on the Earth!
You knew it would not be so simple.
That game of wonders, death and birth.
And all it's meaning, hidden inside deeply...

You better tell the truth all the time,
Or it will come back to you,
It's not about Bible crime -
It is a law: God gives you everything you are addicted to.

I'm out to mix it up and change my complexion
To coat the feelings and cure my depression
A shot of petrol is my bonafide method
To lose control and get thoroughly distracted

I'm on the money, here I come
Fuel for my engine, and I?m gone

I like to forget why I feel this compulsive
As I toss tomorrow's dreams in the garbage
What's important is a mind that's sicker
Turning Jekyll into Hide much quicker

I'm on the money, here I come
Fuel for my engine, and I'm gone

1, 2, 3, 4, 1...

There is a demon among us whose soul belongs in hell
Sent here to redeem us, she knows it all to well
He comes and goes, he comes and goes, she knows it all too well
But when all is said and done
The sun goes down

She tries her best to leave him, but she is still captured by his spell
She knows now she must deceive him, he knows it all to well
She comes and goes, she comes and goes, he knows it all too well
But when all is said and done
The sun goes down

She comes and goes, she...

Я снова в пробке на остановке
В крутой я тачке после прокачки
И все на месте и спойлер в BEST'е
Но я все в пробке на остановке

Я жажду скорости а все стоят
И все раскраски на тачке блестят
Там где то дрифт а где то стрит
Нет против меня не устоит

ПР: Я жажду скорости а все стоят
И взгляды зависти все висят
Все дрифт и стрит или кольцо
На скорости под двести всеравно

2Вот снова стрит и снова вид
На тачку супер все глядит
Вся улица под стрессом
Все стянуто под прессом


May this be true,what I believed,
is no more sense to what I need.
I thought of best, of common wealth,
instead,I have not much to loose but health.

There isn't much to give or take,
all what I could what done for goodness sake.
The falling rain drop after drop,
go down to earth and burst in pop.

My hopes were doomed to sink in well,
alike the burning chains of hell.
Still I do live and keep my pride,
my dream- is secret in my mind.

Flood-tide below me! I see you face to face!
Clouds of the west – sun there half of hour high –
I see you also face to face.

Crowds of men and women attired in the usual costumes, how curious you are to me!
On the ferry-boats the hundreds and hundreds that cross , returning home,, are more curious to me than you suppose,
And you that shell cross from shore to shore years hence are more to me, and more in my meditations, that you might suppose.


The impalpable sustenance of me from...

Вот ещё один год попрощался со мной.
Время мчится вперёд с быстротой озорной.
Не угнаться за ним, мне видать никогда.
И от прыти былой не осталось следа.

Не пришлось отыскать золотое руно,
На плоту неудач не доплыв до колхид.
В наказанье – тоска вперемешку с виной,
За осадок в душе из никчемных обид.

Белокаменный храм на зыбучих песках
Миражом оказался средь прочих руин.
И легла сединой тень мечты на висках.
С пустотою остался один на один.

Заплутала среди недосказанных слов...

Going through the Prosper dreams,
Looking after Wealth,
Flying in Successful beams,
Abundance and the Health

Collecting puzzles of the Luck,
Beyond Eternal Happiness,
The thoughts will make effective knock
With Mind - their Sentinel

I am the Luck, and I am Success,
To all World Wonders I have an Access,
The Angel is my guard, the God is my Coach,
With Them I'll follow the truthful approach

Chain of the Eights(8) is my Surround -
They are the Luck, and they are Infinite...

Words, don't come easy, to me,
how can I find a way,
to make you see,
I love you
words don't come easy

Words, don't come easy, to me,
this is the only way,
for me to say
I love you
words don't come easy

Well I'm just a music man,
melodie 's so far my best friend
but my words are calling out longer
I reveal my heart to you and
hope that you'll believe it's true, 'cause

Words, don't come easy to me,
how can I find a way,
to make you see,
I love you
words don't come easy...

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