Positive thinking

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I never think about it.
Я повторяю вновь и вновь,
А в голове всё тот же бит,
Который зажигает кровь.

Но, Боже, как душа болит,
Когда я вспоминаю ночь,
Где как свеча луна горит
И зажигает в нас любовь.

Но вот окончился тот бит,
И вроде бы остыла кровь.
А та свеча, что сейчас горит,
Хранит к тебе мою любовь.

Just make your best while living on the Earth!
You knew it would not be so simple.
That game of wonders, death and birth.
And all it's meaning, hidden inside deeply...

You better tell the truth all the time,
Or it will come back to you,
It's not about Bible crime -
It is a law: God gives you everything you are addicted to.

What is there to be conscioused?
What is there to be gained?
Anyways, so in Love with your touches,
I am thinking about you again.

There was a Father on planet of Earth,
He waited his son to be born,
Carpenter was the aforesaid Father
His handicrafts going to reborn

Shouting about the birth of the Son,
Father repeated about his craft,
With happiness Father had laughed

The Son and the Father were loving each other,
But it revealed that the Son had grown up,
And he understood that these legends annoy him,
And go with ideas of Father apart

"Father, please listen -
I think independently, ...
"Son, you do not...

What Do You Do When Something Dies
A Life Together Has Ended, Your Living a Lie
When Did this Act Become Reality ?
Hello Conscience, Do I Laugh or Do I Cry
Nothing's Ever Perfect
This Is Just a Test
Imagine, Imagine Saying What Can Be Said
Imagine, Imagine Each Word a Bullet 'Til You're Dead
Imagine, Imagine Killing Something Your Love
Imagine, Just Think about Living Inside
Blood on Your Hands, Blood in My Eyes
Blood I Can't Keep, Blood Circumscribes
Blood on Your Hands, Blood in My...

Скажу интуитивно,
Не всё ведь объяснимо,
Твои глаза мне будущее открыли
За этот миг.
Послушай, друг мой милый,

Я знаю, что это
Покажется очень cтранным,
Но верю я:

Любя тебя до того как встретить,
Я в этот мир тебя намечтал.
Любя тебя до того как встретить,
Всю свою жизнь тебя я ждал

Здесь не найти причины,
Лишь чувство совершенства:
В твоих глазах - всё чего не хватает
Во мне самом. Нашёл я путь к блаженству

Я знаю, что это
Покажется очень странным,
Но верю я...

It's a Long Time, a Long Time Comin'
You Tell Me How You Think I Should Be
It's So Easy
You Tell Me What People Want from Me
Well I'll Just Be Myself
It's the Only Way I Can Be but You Don't See

You Accuse, Abuse Integrity
You Don't Know One Damn Thing about Me
Not One Damn Thing
Build Me up and Then You Tear Me down

Curse My Name When I'm Not Around
You're So Hard until the Truth Is Found
What Goes Round Always Comes Around
And It's a
Long Time, Long Time
A Long Time Comin...

Для редактора,
озабоченного передовицей,
он никто, какой-то Джон Мильтон,
затерявшийся на литературной обочине.

Актриса глицериновую слезу
из-за него не проливала ни разу.

О нем хранит молчание
радио и телевещание.

Нет ни досье, ни файлов секретных.
Нет псевдонимов народу известных.

Никому не интересно
узнать его настоящее имя.

Жив ли он, мертв ли он,
не проверяет никто.

Возможно в чулане
детективы найдут его труп
с разбитым лицом,
с открытыми глазами...

I like the moments when you are not in hurry
When you are sitting next to me & typing something
I like to listen to that funny sound of keyboard.

I like to watch your forehead and your eyebrows
When you are concentrated on your work
I like to guess what you are thinking there.

I like to meet your early in the morning
When you are so cute & smell so good
I like to say “Good morning” to you.

I even like you running busy all around
When you forget about our meetings
I still...

How could this happen to me?
I made my mistakes...
Where the pain that you feel?
It's in our hands.
I don't know what to do,
So just give me this chance,
And when I'm around you,
I know, this is my place.
Don't wanna wake up today,
Don't wanna think about my sorrow.
Just for one more day,
One more day with you...
Don't wanna think about tomorrow.

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