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his hand is shaking
as he crosses line
in old addess book

hot summer morning
from open baptist's church door
coolness and clapping

Mój przyjaciel,
Jeśli kiepska wojna,
Czas jest odważny.

У небе зорка ёсць адна
Яна у кожнага свая.
I вельмi цяжка угадаць,
Якая шлях твой асвяцiць
И цяжки лёс прадухiлiць.
Чаму не ведае нiхто,
Якая зорка для яго?
З надзеяй у неба мы глядзiм
I марым,што ярчэй за усiх
гарыць адна,яна - твая,
Такая шчодрая,што ты
Пазнаешь усё у сваiм жыццi:
Любоу и радасць перамог,
Красу лясоу и пыл дарог.
и молiм Бога,каб яна
Ад горкi бед засцерагла.

everyone's looking down
except that child with no unbrella

I Love You!
Love You very much...
And will and will to Love...

I Love You Baby!
Was and will!
And save in hearth the Love...

I like the moments when you are not in hurry
When you are sitting next to me & typing something
I like to listen to that funny sound of keyboard.

I like to watch your forehead and your eyebrows
When you are concentrated on your work
I like to guess what you are thinking there.

I like to meet your early in the morning
When you are so cute & smell so good
I like to say “Good morning” to you.

I even like you running busy all around
When you forget about our meetings
I still...

So, what shall I tell you, does anybody know?
How can I show you what is hidden deep below?

I can’t control this, it’s growing inside.
Questioning myself – why should I hide?

Feelings are complex, no way to get free,
But I’ll not kill them, I’ll let them just be.

Looking into your eyes, what am I waiting?
Do you understand me or am I mistaken?

This is forbidden, but it’s not a sin.
All of my life – where have you been?

This is like a dangerous trip.
Every day she faces unexpected,
Like unknown video clip
She’s playing a role unsuspected.
This is a story of love & pain
‘Cause these two never come apart.
The main hero hopes to sustain,
To play perfectly “team member” part.
What happens when curtains are down?
Have you seen the actress alive?
She releases the truth underground
So tomorrow she can dance on the knife.
She’s playing a role with no errors,
But no one can guess it’s a play.
Just as...

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