Hard life

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I don't want my freedom
There's no reason for living with a broken heart

This is a tricky situation
I've only got myself to blame
It's just a simple fact of life
It can happen to anyone

You win - you lose
It's a chance you have to take with love
Oh yeah - I fell in love
But now you say it's over and I'm fallin' apart

It's a hard life
To be true lovers together
To love and live forever in each others hearts
It's a long hard fight
To learn to care for each other
To trust in...

I was old
When I was born
I was feeling cold
And my soul was torn
I walked alone
In solitude and sorrow
I've been shown
I can see tomorrow
Then I found you
And we were one
A new life found
A new life found
It's a miracle of life
My life has been
A journey full of hop
And all I've seen
Is the end of my rope
We'll I have lost
And I have won
Counting the cost
My Faith was never gone
Then I found you
And we were one
A new life found
A new life found...

Why Love is so hard to be defined?
Exactly, main source is the Love.
That's what everyone is up to find,
That is that goes from ground to Above.

The one who makes the active, lusty searches
Coordinates in chances with the one,
Who fell in dreams of something great and gorgeous -
They both do live under the same Sun.

And anyways, affinity of passion,
Or Higher Love - it's all about the deal
That means the most impressive world's action,
That has to be immediately revealed.

I play the game - the Game of Life,
I cannot find the end,
But I stay calm and I enjoy
The "birth-and-dying" Band

And then, just after sixteen years,
When I am kind of man,
After a year of whiner talks,
The Brightening gives me Hand

I learned, what said the Jesus Christ,
Cause Bible is misunderstood,
It's good for those who rules the Land,
It's kind of stuff or selling goods

And now I am the Light of Love,
I'm going to Abundance,
And now I know the mean of Life,
It came to...

Лето! Свобода! Новая жизнь!
Ветер уносит в небо,
Корабль с мечтою - Крепко держись!
Freedom! New life! Лето!

Тысячи планов! Сотни идей!
Страны, моря, реки…
Добрые взгляды лучших людей,
Любимые человеки)))…

Всё впереди! И я делаю шаг…
Пришпорю! Пущу галопом!
Туда, где сверкает шальная мечта,
Искрится и брызжет током…

Её изловлю за светящийся хвост…
И вновь отпущу на волю!
Ухмылочка, бровка, вздернутый нос…
Я снова умчусь в погоню…

И будем так бегать с мечтою всю жизнь...

One sage, who talked with inspiration,
Was asked a philosophic question:
What is our life? A game? Enjoyment? Grief?
Having scratched
His bald patch,
Answered he in brief,
“Frankly speaking, my chums,
Life’s a free-fall jump
From mother’s womb
To the eternal house, called the tomb.”

I Thank for every day of life,
I spread Eternal Light of God,
I'm full of Wisdom anytime,
See Opportunity in Block

Being the Energy of Sun,
I make my Spirit so much stronger,
My Consciousness is Bright and Spotless,
I do not Suffer any longer

I Correspond my Way with God,
My Karma is crystallized and clear,
I help the people all around,
And I'm free from any Fear

I see the Light where it's the Dark
And I can switch the dark to Light,
I switch destruction to Creation,
I feel...

Ты думаешь: это привязанность?
А ты уверена точно в этом?
Ты не права, ты не следишь за светом,
От него исходит мягкий свет.

Может быть, тебе его просто не видно,
Я имею в виду свет, а не Стаса…
Мне, конечно, не очень обидно,
Но ты не впадаешь в чувство экстаза.

Видя его, я ловлю такой кайф!
Я люблю его, может, поверишь?
Ну, а если всё-таки ты не веришь,
То пойми только это: «It's my life!»

Грустный клоун – детям забава,
Взрослым душевный покой.
Под радужный занавес «Браво!».
Аплодисменты над головой.

Грустный клоун – жизни отрыжка,
Когда им понукает злодей.
Всё как в жизни: над серой мышкой
Толпа ликует, кричат: «Бей!».

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