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Night is a long day shadow
Light the stars on a sky meadow.

Day is a light of life,
If it’s sunny – we are bright.

Day show us the way,
The games we make and play.

Night tell us the meaning,
Fresh our mind and open filings.

All in life have double side -
Left and right,
Black and white,
Dark and light…
Day and night.

How could this happen to me?
I made my mistakes...
Where the pain that you feel?
It's in our hands.
I don't know what to do,
So just give me this chance,
And when I'm around you,
I know, this is my place.
Don't wanna wake up today,
Don't wanna think about my sorrow.
Just for one more day,
One more day with you...
Don't wanna think about tomorrow.

The day has come, the Sun has risen!
The angels chant the hymns of Love!
And came true the brilliant visions,
On our shoulders sit the doves.
We took upon ourselves the vows
To be His children, faithful and chaste,
To strive to enter His Celestial House,
To overcome the pow'r of ill fate.
Eternity is ours, dear!
I am with you for evermore.
There's no reason for bitter fear,
We are blessed greatly by the Lord.

March 13, 2013

Awakened, I'm dreaming of my sleepy day :
The "how I walk" and the way that I breath..
To nod and to follow in somebody's wake -
The less proper meaning of what my life is.

Такие странные дни,
Такие смешные ночи,
Cкажи мне, чего ты хочешь
От мертвой этой петли?
От этой весны осколками
Распластанной в хлебный мякиш,
Скажи мне, о чем ты плачешь
Под старыми книжными полками?

Какие надежды канули,
Какие мечты не сбычились,
Какими ты грезишь странами
По старой дурной привычке?
Какие дороги петлями
Перехватили горло,
Ответь мне какими летами
Тебя нарядило в черный?

О чем мне скажи печалишься,
Чело уронив на руки,
Твои корабли с...

There's pain in my heart
that won't let me live.
There's pain in my life
only you can relief.
I'm so glad it was you
that stayed by my side.
You know and I know that
our love will never die.
Our love will always come through.
It's like a dream come true....

Однажды как-то купидон стрелою сердце поразив,
Подумал может это сон, иль мир так просто некрасив,
И подарил он нам любовь не шуры-муры, аквилон,
А тяготение двух душ, доброжелательство как сон.
И верность в души заложив, пристрастий чувства без ума,
Чтоб надышаться не могли, стихи писали задарма.
Он одарил весь белый свет любовью чистой без забот,
Летел на крыльях Херувим, он людям дал запретный плод.
И честь он в души заложил и целомудрие он дал,
Чтоб неиспорченный наш дух, одной...

Day by day, watching you disappear
Wishing that you were still here beside me
On my own, swimming against the tide
There's nobody on my side but your memory
Chorus 1:
Then you'll rise right before my eyes
On wings that fill the sky
Like a phoenix rising
Like a phoenix rising
Wings on fire, tearing into the night
Screaming into the light of another day
Carry me out of the hurricane
Into the smoke and flame and we'll fly away
Chorus 2:
And we'll rise right before their eyes
On wings...

Vorkuta distant darling,
How are you there all the days long,
We native have not left you,
Its fires shine to us in the distance,
We native have not left you,
Its fires shine to us in the distance.

We have left heart in the north,
On Ural tender mountains,
Tundra, where a beauty autumn,
Slopes, where Ural in snows …
Tundra, where a beauty autumn,
Slopes, where Ural in snows …

Vorkuta distant darling,
How are you there all the days long,
We native have not left you...

Where are you, my love and tenderness
Where are you, my hope and happiness…
In this world, oh, it can be so cruel
But without you I’m without a soul!

Now I’m lonely and I’m lost
Our roads will never cross
Like a pilot in his plane
I go crashing down in flames
To the end of all my days

Now my world is just an empty cell
It’s become complete and fiery hell
In this world, oh, it can be so cruel
But without you I’m without a soul!

Now I’m lonely and I’m lost
Our roads...

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