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Big blue eyes, coquettishly flowing...
What is it there to be going?
Just for a while, Love strikes you again,
You have to decide, is it worthy of pain...

Shine, Girl, Shine, and don't miss the train
Of real possibility of happiness shooting.
Love of divinity awares of vain,
It's lost in a state of each other's moody...

Sun would shine forever, whatever it is,
Love is on Top of all that Life stuff.
Feel the Existence, oh, gorgeous Miss...
With Love you are One. Without - just a...

The true religion hides within yourself.
You will reveal it by a true divine will,
Breaking up all mind's lies and shelf,
But having clear look still...

It's not about special section and dogmatics.
It's free and beneficial just for you.
For me - to make the world so enlightened,
That it will come united perfect view.

Oh yes, there are some true and magic moments,
Higher than a usual life itself.
Aura, angels, energy of glory...
As well as it is atom and your health...

How deep is the ocean, how deep is your love
I have the love in my eyes.
But how do you feel, when you can't get enough
Halfway to your paradise
Oh my love, is your love, forever and again

You are not alone - I'll be there for you
You are not alone - anything I'll do
You are not alone - You're the one for me
You are not alone - that's no tragedy
You are not alone - you're the one for me
You are not alone - nothing comes for free

You're breaking the silence - you're breaking my...

Никогда тебе не узнать -
Осколки сердца больше не собрать.
Гордость свою я в душе затаю,
Сжигаемый боли огнем,
Лить буду слёзы под дождем

Грозовые небеса
Спрячут всё, о чем не смолчали б глаза,
Люблю тебя до последнего дня
Болью в сердце моем, -
Лить буду слёзы под дождем

Капли, с неба срываясь,
Не смоют все печали навсегда.
С тех пор, как мы расстались,
Дождей я дожидаюсь,
Чтоб спрятать эти слёзы от тебя

Однажды, уняв эту грусть,
Надев улыбку, я под солнцем пройдусь...

This day
Has brought forgotten fears…
My rain
Has wanted to calm me tears…
He beat off the rhythm in pools…
It were so beautiful tunes…

My rain
Sang songs about love…
And they
Helped soul to rise above…
And I spoke my thanks the rain
That have come to me again…

My way
So it is long for me...
This rain
Will allow us to meet,
To open for new love games
Umbrella of our happy days...

Елена Ольховик
2011 год

I like
When I do not need to play the role.
I can throw off the mask and be myself.
I do not need to hide my soul.
I can be honest and sincere.
I like
When I can feel the freedom in my heard.
I can be open
Because I know
You will understand me
You will support me
You will not hurt me.

If you ever know,
That it is so extremely well
When you do not need words.
When you look in someone eyes
And all is understandable.
When someone speak
And you don’t hear
You only try to catch...

What they are searching, what looking for?
Blind stars of wisdom - blind glance of open sore?

They want to hear your human pleads?
When every night you keep repeats
the words for mercy to the Lord,
and every single, branded word
pure despair floating through your throat?

Or they awaits when you smash up
with simple feelings filled cup?
When you breakdown, when you collapse
When you breath out «No more…enough!»

But no, you wrong.
They don’t intend.
They just the stars, they...

Silence is round me, wideness ineffable;
White birds on the ocean diving and wandering;
A soundless sea on a voiceless heaven,
Azure on azure, is mutely gazing.

Identified with silence and boundlessness
My spirit widens clasping the universe
Till all that seemed becomes the Real,
One in a mighty and single vastness.

Someone broods there nameless and bodiless,
Conscious and lonely, deathless and infinite,
And, sole in a still eternal rapture,
Gathers all things to his heart for...

Болью моею играя,
Он жизнь мою пропоет,
Рифмой её наполняя,
Песнею нежно убьет,

Нежно меня убивая
Он мою жизнь пропоет

Его красивы песни и стиль его пленит,
И я пришла услышать, что он в себе таит.
И вот передо мной он - сердцу не знаком

Болью моею играя,
Он жизнь мою пропоет,
Рифмой её наполняя,
Песнею нежно убьет,

Нежно меня убивая
Он мою жизнь пропоет

Меня привел в смущенье весь этот людный зал.
Он будто мои письма всем громко зачитал
Я жду, что стихнут звуки...

Had he and I but met
By some old ancient inn
We should have set us down to wet
Right many a nipperkin!

But ranged as infantry,
And staring face to face
I shot at him as he at me,
And killed in his place.

I shot him dead because –
Because he was my foe,
Just so: my foe of course he was;
That's clear enough; although

He thought he'd 'list, perhaps,
Off-hand-like - just as I –
Was out of work – had sold his traps -
No other reason why.

Yes; quaint and curious...

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