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Have I ever felt that weak as I take a look at child?
Feeling tenderness and love, filling up my heart and mind
Have I left my soul in baby that would not allow forget her?
Though it’s been a year now since I left her…since I left her…

Want to kiss her hands, her fingers and embrace her very tender
Want to be her dad, her friend, any kind of surrender
Realize my guilt and blame all the steps I made like blind
Pray that God will not apart me with my one and only child…

When I breathe,
This sound in my chest
Lonelier than the winter wind

Этот звук в груди
Более одинок чем зимний ветер

My child not yet returned from playing somewhere
I take out the toy train
And run it myself

Ожидая ребенка, заигравшегося где-то,
Я достал игрушечный поезд
И покатил

For five blocks after I left home,
I walked like man
With something to do, someplace to go -

Пять кварталов от дома прочь
Шел я как человек
Имеющий дела, идущий по делам...

everyone's looking down
except that child with no unbrella

Близ Рамафаим-Цофима
При Ефремовой горе
Дело всё происходило.
Елкана в делах интима
Не имел большой гарем.

Прокормить двух жён несложно.
Феннана, из жён одна,
Вроде с рожей не бульдожьей,
Кожей гладкая, но всё же
Нелюбимая жена

Всех детей ему рожала,
Что не скажешь о другой,
Анне. Та переживала,
Что стыда не избежала,
Ведь чайлд-фри* позор большой.

То не наши ведь дурёхи,
Под влиянием чужим
Растопырившие ноги,
В пустоцвета охи-вздохи
Превратившие интим...

Winter has come
And the snow’s covered the land.
All the jobs have been done
And the year’s coming to end.

Fir-tree lights are burnt
And the people are wishing for good.
All the lessons are learned,
All the values are understood.

Let the old year go away,
Let the New Year come to my land
Let the old friend never betray,
Let the new friend give me a hand.
Let the people live always in peace
Let prosperity come to their homes,
Let their kindness ever increase,
Let them see...

I play the game - the Game of Life,
I cannot find the end,
But I stay calm and I enjoy
The "birth-and-dying" Band

And then, just after sixteen years,
When I am kind of man,
After a year of whiner talks,
The Brightening gives me Hand

I learned, what said the Jesus Christ,
Cause Bible is misunderstood,
It's good for those who rules the Land,
It's kind of stuff or selling goods

And now I am the Light of Love,
I'm going to Abundance,
And now I know the mean of Life,
It came to...

Jupiter’s getting closer to the Earth…
Stars are flashing, dancing with a magic Moon.
Why does it happen? All that life, and birth…
I would become the answer soon.

A child will fall asleep, as it is need,
And go to other worlds, full of wonders,
Where we my find all the needed answers,
Where Sphere of God does showing you a lead.

Duality will not disturb a heavy soul,
And it will rise, according to a freedom,
Attacking balance on a second, acting foul,
It brings a shadow on a...

There Is the Moon,
That's reflexing on February snow,
That is singing up high all alone,
I will come to You soon

There is the Moon,
That is shining on somebody's face,
That is watching humanity race,
Just reversing a noon

There is the night,
That is calling for Brightening Light,
That is waiting for heat of the Sun,
For God whims have been done

There is the Time,
That in Universe doesn't exist,
But on Earth it is hidden in mist,
Deep inside in the mind

There is the sky...

The child of the Volga region,
White, like a butterfly in the pitch black night
And fragrant, like an incense in the dungeon,
You stand alone in all your royal might.
Born by the land of the disgraceful strangers,
So cold and wild, and by the Heavens cursed,
Within the glades and mountain ranges,
You dwell on the summit of the Universe.
Your life is sad, but hopefully,
You are a luminary for this World, truly.

June 14, 2012

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