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Believe me I will love you when you grow old,
I’ll love you anyway, even you totally bold.
I’ll love you if you be weak and poor,
I simply love you for no reason, be sure.
Believe me, you’re the most handsome man,
Don’t repeat stupid word which you said.
Your eyes & your smile is like heaven,
I wish I could look at it ever & ever.
I will remember you for all of my life,
You gave me the reason to feel myself alive.

Have I ever felt that weak as I take a look at child?
Feeling tenderness and love, filling up my heart and mind
Have I left my soul in baby that would not allow forget her?
Though it’s been a year now since I left her…since I left her…

Want to kiss her hands, her fingers and embrace her very tender
Want to be her dad, her friend, any kind of surrender
Realize my guilt and blame all the steps I made like blind
Pray that God will not apart me with my one and only child…

May this be true,what I believed,
is no more sense to what I need.
I thought of best, of common wealth,
instead,I have not much to loose but health.

There isn't much to give or take,
all what I could what done for goodness sake.
The falling rain drop after drop,
go down to earth and burst in pop.

My hopes were doomed to sink in well,
alike the burning chains of hell.
Still I do live and keep my pride,
my dream- is secret in my mind.

Searching for pacification,
need inside of you.
Getting back humiliation,
from the one surrounding you.

Pleased with what you have,
thinking that you're gifted.
Is that all, that you can have,
on your way that's drifted.

There's obstacle inside ourselves,
dealing with the problem.
Never let it go itself,
don't rely at random.

Walles Stevens

Arrival ft the Waldorf

Home from Guatemala, back at the Waldorf.
This arrival in the wild country of the soul,
All approaches gone, being completely there,

Where the wild poem is a substitute
For the woman one loves or ought to love,
Jyf wild rhapsody a fake for another/

You touch the hotel the way you touch light
Or sun light and you hum and the orchestra
Hums and you say “The world in a verse,
A generation sealed, men remoter than mountains,
Women invisible...

Красавица луна
В ладье серебряного света
Плывет ко мне.
Струится с неба песни нежность.
За горизонт в неведомые земли
Птицы улетают,
И вместе с ними все мои надежды…
Так вечер жизни незаметно наступает.

* * *


Sailing the boat of silver light,
The moon-beauty is fast approaching me.
The sky is vibrating with sweet and melodious songs.
The birds are flying beyond the horizon
To an unknown land.
All my hopes are flying without any destination...

Любви, надежды, тихой славы
Недолго нежил нас обман,
Исчезли юные забавы,
Как сон, как утренний туман;
Но в нас горит еще желанье,
Под гнетом власти роковой
Нетерпеливою душой
Отчизны внемлем призыванье.
Мы ждем с томленьем упованья
Минуты вольности святой,
Как ждет любовник молодой
Минуту верного свиданья.
Пока свободою горим,
Пока сердца для чести живы,
Мой друг, отчизне посвятим
Души прекрасные порывы!
Товарищ, верь: взойдет она,
Звезда пленительного счастья,
Россия вспрянет...

Моря Покоя, Радости и Света —
За гранью тех миров, что я постиг.
Ночь бурная рыданиями ветра
Во мне рождает свой мятежный лик.

Беспомощный, взываю я напрасно…
Черства, глуха к моим мольбам земля.
Кто боль мою разделит в духе властном? —
Лишь жала смерти всюду вижу я.

В морях Времен я — утлый плот забытый.
Прочь смыты весла в волны многих бед.
Найду ли край, так безнадежно скрытый,
Где мрака нет и вечен Бога Свет?

Но вот я Флейту золотую слышу,
И дивный звук летит со всех...

Yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away
Now it looks as though they're here to stay
Oh I believe in yesterday
Suddenly I'm not half a man I used to be
There's a shadow handing over me
Oh yesterday came suddenly
Why she had to go I don't know
She wouldn't say
I said something wrong
Now I long for yesterday
Yesterday love was such an easy game to play
Now I need a place to hide away
Oh I believe in yesterday

I've paid my dues -
Time after time -
I've done my sentence
But committed no crime -
And bad mistakes
I've made a few
I've had my share of sand kicked in my face -
But I've come through

We are the champions - my friends
And we'll keep on fighting - till the end -
We are the champions -
We are the champions
No time for losers
'Cause we are the champions - of the world -

I've taken my bows
And my curtain calls -
You brought me fame and fortune and everything that goes with it...

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