Your love

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Words, don't come easy, to me,
how can I find a way,
to make you see,
I love you
words don't come easy

Words, don't come easy, to me,
this is the only way,
for me to say
I love you
words don't come easy

Well I'm just a music man,
melodie 's so far my best friend
but my words are calling out longer
I reveal my heart to you and
hope that you'll believe it's true, 'cause

Words, don't come easy to me,
how can I find a way,
to make you see,
I love you
words don't come easy...

Now you're going slightly nuts
With all your plastic desires
With all your trivial dreams
You want nothing but to fire
All of them full of beans
When the world becomes a little bit concrete
And all those clowns displease
You will find me out on Main-street
Dancing with the holy trees
Weary of not doing
The things you want to do
Tired of pursuing
Things you never wanted to
Of ail! your plastic desires
Of alt your trivial dreams
You want nothing but to fire
All of them full of...

i’m looking at the sun
through the fingers of trees
it’s a shining something
through the little twigs
i’m enjoy… this silence
so sensitive fire ,
that’s going to me
it’ s really nice

and my beautiful smile,
that’s i got from your ray
i’m return …
again and again….
i‘m exiting …
so beautiful
i want to reply…
it’s a great inspiration
of your spiritual wave

i’m looking at the sun
through the fingers of trees
everything talking
about your feelings
it’s a joke...

It's a Long Time, a Long Time Comin'
You Tell Me How You Think I Should Be
It's So Easy
You Tell Me What People Want from Me
Well I'll Just Be Myself
It's the Only Way I Can Be but You Don't See

You Accuse, Abuse Integrity
You Don't Know One Damn Thing about Me
Not One Damn Thing
Build Me up and Then You Tear Me down

Curse My Name When I'm Not Around
You're So Hard until the Truth Is Found
What Goes Round Always Comes Around
And It's a
Long Time, Long Time
A Long Time Comin...

I Wait, I Hate
Silence Kills You like a Loaded Gun
My Time, You Waste
Resolution Turn Your Back and Run
Drunk with Power
Your Ivory Tower
Never Stood, Never Could
And Around and Around
You Hit the Ground
Reservation Hellbound
Most People Cry
When a Person Dies
You Wanna Know Why?
Run it Through,
Most People Cry
Not When You Die
You Wanna Know Why?
Run it Through,
Nobody Cried
You Lived a Lie
You Lived a Lie!
Run it Through,
Most People...

We are so young
our lives have just begun
but already we're considering
escape from this world

and we've waited for so long
for this moment to come
was so anxious to be together
together in death

Won't you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death
Won't you die
Baby join me in death
Won't you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death

This world is a cruel place
and we're here only to lose
so before live tears us apart let
death bless me with you

Won't you die tonight...

Said good bye when I leff to your answering machine.
Then you jumped in a plane
you know what I mean.
Pick up the phone
oh yeah - pick up the phone
oh please

I need your voice again
hearing your voice again.
Waiting so many years
feeling closer to you -
Not a sign not a trace
what can I do?
Pick up the phone
oh yeah - pick up the phone
oh please
. . .
Pick up the phone
let me know - I don't want to lose you
Don't hang up
get in touch
fill the shadow in my...

Вышли в свет из материнской утробы
Свободные места занять.
Дать обещание на будущие годы
Жертвами стать.

Когда в дверях твое время
Cтекает вниз на пол,
Среди шума ты узнаешь
И больше не твое,
Все что ты сеял.

Небольшая операция,
Окончательное принуждение.
Финальный ультиматум.
Тысячи слов, произнесенные громко.
Чтобы было слышно глухому
В обманутой толпе.

Потом ты идешь
Вниз по своей улице.
С неприятными звуками.
Может быть куда-то уехать?

Пробормотал российский Гимн,
Плывя по руслу Миссисипи.
Уравновешен, мыслью мирн -
New Orleans! - Welcome to City!

Якорь на дне, засосан в ил.
Прекрасно выбрит, жду буксир.
My Captain on the rest is ready!
America for World – кумир? –
Плюёт на Старый Свет и Мир
И на Россию, ... may be.

В таком, не лучшем, настроении
Я, гладко выбрит и одет,
Припрятав «комплименты» мнений
Пошел смотреть кардибаллет.

Буксир рванул от борта мирно,
По глади Mississippi River.
Почудилось, - как...

Исчезнет всё, что было мило,
Иссякнет наслаждений мёд,
А юность, что вчера кутила,
Сегодня милостыни ждёт.

Забыта будет роскошь женщин,
В пыль обратится прах цветов,
Плоды садов сгниют - не вечны,
Седым узрим голов покров.

О, юность, милая! Вернись!
Но время к нам так безучастно.
Воспоминанья рвутся ввысь
И душу мучают ужасно.

Любовь земная! Будь со мной!
Но чувства, как цветы, увяли.
Их гонит прочь дождь ледяной.
Куда уходят? Если б знали...

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