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Заряди патроны в ствол,
Посади друзей за стол,
Она так устала,
Много ноши на себя взяла,
Но мне есть, что сказать вам.

Эй, вы, в зале!
Как низко вы пали?
Эй, вы, в зале!
Как низко вы пали?
Эй, вы, в зале!
Как низко вы пали?

Огни погаснут,
Сядем почти без опаски,
Мы пришли, развлекай нас!
Кто убогий, кто заразный,
Ведь мы здесь не напрасно,
Так давай, развлекай нас!
Мулатов небогатых,
Альбиносов всех несносных,
Насекомых нездоровых,
Мою похоть развлекай.

Я самый худший...

God is Energy. Divine...
Just reveal it.
You may find...
God is everything.
Above, and beneath.
It is Love.
God is heaven,
God is hell.
Great eternit light, as well.
His Plan is absolutely pure.
His wings are patience and secure.
It's Consciousness is bright and clear.
Do trust to Spirit - it is near...

Вышли в свет из материнской утробы
Свободные места занять.
Дать обещание на будущие годы
Жертвами стать.

Когда в дверях твое время
Cтекает вниз на пол,
Среди шума ты узнаешь
И больше не твое,
Все что ты сеял.

Небольшая операция,
Окончательное принуждение.
Финальный ультиматум.
Тысячи слов, произнесенные громко.
Чтобы было слышно глухому
В обманутой толпе.

Потом ты идешь
Вниз по своей улице.
С неприятными звуками.
Может быть куда-то уехать?

Наших бед сакральная причина
И преграда жизненных путей-
Вездесущая "мадеинчина"
На изнанке мыслей и вещей...

Мы живём за пазухой у Бога,
на груди пригревшего змею...
Нас уже неисчислимо много
в крохотном игрушечном Раю,

созданном,как яркая приманка,
как рекламный маленький макет...
На груди Господней липко;жарко;
Грязно;но иных приютов нет.

Мы не лучше прочих;даже хуже!!!
Мы достойны плахи иль костра;
Для таких не Бог,а Дьявол нужен;
Нас распять-мы ж улетим с креста!


There was a Father on planet of Earth,
He waited his son to be born,
Carpenter was the aforesaid Father
His handicrafts going to reborn

Shouting about the birth of the Son,
Father repeated about his craft,
With happiness Father had laughed

The Son and the Father were loving each other,
But it revealed that the Son had grown up,
And he understood that these legends annoy him,
And go with ideas of Father apart

"Father, please listen -
I think independently, ...
"Son, you do not...

Going through the Prosper dreams,
Looking after Wealth,
Flying in Successful beams,
Abundance and the Health

Collecting puzzles of the Luck,
Beyond Eternal Happiness,
The thoughts will make effective knock
With Mind - their Sentinel

I am the Luck, and I am Success,
To all World Wonders I have an Access,
The Angel is my guard, the God is my Coach,
With Them I'll follow the truthful approach

Chain of the Eights(8) is my Surround -
They are the Luck, and they are Infinite...

I Thank for every day of life,
I spread Eternal Light of God,
I'm full of Wisdom anytime,
See Opportunity in Block

Being the Energy of Sun,
I make my Spirit so much stronger,
My Consciousness is Bright and Spotless,
I do not Suffer any longer

I Correspond my Way with God,
My Karma is crystallized and clear,
I help the people all around,
And I'm free from any Fear

I see the Light where it's the Dark
And I can switch the dark to Light,
I switch destruction to Creation,
I feel...

I play the game - the Game of Life,
I cannot find the end,
But I stay calm and I enjoy
The "birth-and-dying" Band

And then, just after sixteen years,
When I am kind of man,
After a year of whiner talks,
The Brightening gives me Hand

I learned, what said the Jesus Christ,
Cause Bible is misunderstood,
It's good for those who rules the Land,
It's kind of stuff or selling goods

And now I am the Light of Love,
I'm going to Abundance,
And now I know the mean of Life,
It came to...

In the New Age, with the possibility
Of looking at Life Spiritual,
We now may let ourselves
Make spots of past effectual

And now we see differently
Past and the "Here and Now"
We guess: all that happened was Holy,
The Idea of God was allowed

So, everybody, let's Thank
Everyone who was following a script,
Choosing the Fate by themselves,
Who made the old World be slipped

It will not be easy, my friends,
But sometimes it will be too simple,
And, anyhow, it will rise us

What would it be without ethotericism?
Revealing simple truths in universe engaged?
Eternal wisdom, freedom of a Buddhism,
A love of Christians, experience of sage.

The hidden knowledge, whispering by God,
The healing energy of golden angels light.
So when you ask, life always gives a nod,
By splashing your potential and might.

Your consciousness is giving you a picture
Of what you seeing, what you meeting everyday,
Your thoughts are making possible to switch it,
Is your spirit...

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