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quick buttrfly's shadow
i'm looking up... into sky...

1 Couplet: (1 Куплет)
You lja me, beautiful, angel. (Ты для меня прекрасный ангел)
I love you so much, I am in love. (Я люблю тебя очень сильно, я влюблена)
You the fine, marvellous, wanderer. (Ты прекрасный, дивный странник)
But, for me it is not enough. (Но для меня этого не достаточно)

You the closest person for me. (Ты самый близкий человек для меня)
I am ready on all for the sake of you. (Я готова на всё ради тебя)
I want with you always beside to be. (Я хочу с тобой всегда рядом...

Когда в бреду бредут слоны, когда слоятся миражи,
Когда слова и фразы не нужны, Учитель, только, «А» скажи!..

И рухнет хаос декораций, закружит дакинь хоровод.
О, не чурайся этих Граций! Они ведут сквозь небосвод….

Их лица, то ли маски, то ли рыла,
Смех – циркулярки визг, а может пьяный лай?

А так ли важно, что ты учудила?
Взмахни крылами и RETURN TO SKY!

I called the sun and he answered me
I called the moon and she treasured me
I called the stars and they cried for me
When I called your name only silence came back to me.

I called the earth and she befriended me
I called the sky and she watched over me.
I called the seas and they refreshed me.
When I whispered your name only silence came back to me.

I called the wind and he carried me
I called the fire and he lit for me
I called the animals and they sang for me
When I spoke your...

Красавица луна
В ладье серебряного света
Плывет ко мне.
Струится с неба песни нежность.
За горизонт в неведомые земли
Птицы улетают,
И вместе с ними все мои надежды…
Так вечер жизни незаметно наступает.

* * *


Sailing the boat of silver light,
The moon-beauty is fast approaching me.
The sky is vibrating with sweet and melodious songs.
The birds are flying beyond the horizon
To an unknown land.
All my hopes are flying without any destination...

In the town where I was born
Lived a man who sailed the sea
And he told us of his lives
In the land of submarines
So we sail up to the sun
Till we found the sea of green
And we live beneath the waves
In our yellow submarine
We all live in our yellow submarine
Yellow submarine yellow submarine
We all live in our yellow submarine
Yellow submarine yellow submarine
And our friends are all aboard
Many more of them live next door
And the band begins to play
We all live in our yellow...

Night is a long day shadow
Light the stars on a sky meadow.

Day is a light of life,
If it’s sunny – we are bright.

Day show us the way,
The games we make and play.

Night tell us the meaning,
Fresh our mind and open filings.

All in life have double side -
Left and right,
Black and white,
Dark and light…
Day and night.

… Но вдруг сквозняком захлопнуло дверь в мир искрящихся фантазий.
И пламя, разгоревшееся от одной из искр, потухло.
Так же, как гаснет костёр в лесу, залитый внезапно
обрушившемся на него с неба потоком слёз.
И только Эрот продолжал метать во все стороны свои стрелы,
опираясь пухлой ножкой на пушистое облако
и при этом загадочно улыбаясь. Наблюдая за ним,
я старалась разглядеть его лицо.
Но, если бы смотрела со спины, то заметила бы,
что одно из крыльев ангела подбито и перья...

I stand alone in the darkness.
The winter of my life came so fast.
Memories go back to my childhood
To days I still recall.

Oh, how happy I was then.
There was no sorrow, there was no pain.
Walking through the greenfields
Sunshine in my eyes.

I'm still there, everywhere,
I'm the dust in the wind,
I'm the star in the northern sky.
I never stayed, anywhere,
I'm the wind in the trees.
Would you wait for me forever?

Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky

Imagine all the people
Living for today...
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger

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