Shape of my heart

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Behind the clouds of snow
beyond the bounds of imagination
you live there on your own
but I can get no more then sweet temptation

I draw your face,your eyes and smile
and try to make it clear
but from inside my heart go crazy for a while.
Till I'll hear a word from you
and feel as if its near.

Храни меня, мой талисман,
Храни меня во дни гоненья,
Во дни раскаянья, волненья:
Ты в день печали был мне дан.

Когда подымет океан
Вокруг меня валы ревучи,
Когда грозою грянут тучи -
Храни меня, мой талисман.

В уединенье чуждых стран,
На лоне скучного покоя,
В тревоге пламенного боя
Храни меня, мой талисман.

Священный сладостный обман,
Души волшебное светило...
Оно сокрылось, изменило...
Храни меня, мой талисман.

Пускай же ввек сердечных ран

Любви, надежды, тихой славы
Недолго нежил нас обман,
Исчезли юные забавы,
Как сон, как утренний туман;
Но в нас горит еще желанье,
Под гнетом власти роковой
Нетерпеливою душой
Отчизны внемлем призыванье.
Мы ждем с томленьем упованья
Минуты вольности святой,
Как ждет любовник молодой
Минуту верного свиданья.
Пока свободою горим,
Пока сердца для чести живы,
Мой друг, отчизне посвятим
Души прекрасные порывы!
Товарищ, верь: взойдет она,
Звезда пленительного счастья,
Россия вспрянет...

When I find myself in times of trouble
Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.
And in my hours of darkness
She is standing right in front of me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be
Let it be, let it be,
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.

And when the broaken hearted people
Living in the world agree,
There will be an answer, let it be.
For though they may be parted there is
Still a chance that they will see
There will be an answer, let it be.
Let it be, let it...

It's a Long Time, a Long Time Comin'
You Tell Me How You Think I Should Be
It's So Easy
You Tell Me What People Want from Me
Well I'll Just Be Myself
It's the Only Way I Can Be but You Don't See

You Accuse, Abuse Integrity
You Don't Know One Damn Thing about Me
Not One Damn Thing
Build Me up and Then You Tear Me down

Curse My Name When I'm Not Around
You're So Hard until the Truth Is Found
What Goes Round Always Comes Around
And It's a
Long Time, Long Time
A Long Time Comin...

I feel so strong…
It’s full inside…
My Heart is growing,
Fly, do, fly…
All clear, sunny…
Through misfit
And lie…
My Soul is dreaming…
To have the true ring…
To be ripe
To real rafting...
To the life...
It's easy, lassie...
So... untie...
And tigging whisper...
Go on, fly...

воют во мраке
любовь и обманы
опий и маки
суицидальный секс в ванной


цирк тарантино покинул наш город
оставив пожары обломки и голод
цирк тарантино с гастролем в пути
он может и к вам ненароком прийти


Направленный посыл – тебе подарок,–
Из Дао нарыбаченный сигнал;
И он летит к тебе сквозь тыщи арок,
И взбаламутит то, что я недосказал...


в счастливой нирване-прострации...

On the turning away
From the pale and downtrodden
And the words they say
Which we won't understand
"Don't accept that what's happening
Is just a case of others' suffering
Or you'll find that you're joining in
The turning away"
It's a sin that somehow
Light is changing to shadow
And casting it's shroud
Over all we have known
Unaware how the ranks have grown
Driven on by a heart of stone
We could find that we're all alone
In the dream of the proud
On the wings of the night

Every night I used to cry
Afraid I’d never find it till I’d die
But at last it seemed to be true
At last I did find you

You know I love you endlessly
I never thought that this could be
I’ll love you with all my heart
And I hope we’ll never be apart

The love I always get from you
Makes me feel amazingly real
Although my love is for you so real
I need you to know how I feel.

The silvery night sinks down in heavenly cracks.
Fires of lanterns convict a predatory
sight of the urban wolf.
The dissolute fog irons
a cold body
the fan of mad silence.
The wild, unrestrained perfection of the moon
will penetrate in heart of the pith angels.
Wake up, it is time to collect legends of ripe constellations,
crop of the grape god of love.

In dancings shadows the current of narcotic visions revives.
By concourse of sharp winds finds breath ancient fear.
Dress masks...

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