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Как-то раз, моя любовь
Произнёс мне, выгнув бровь:
- Не хочу твоё варенье.
Мне бы мамино печенье
Вновь отведать с молоком
За обеденным столом.
Ничего я не сказала…
Я про маму промолчала…
Только встала и ушла!
Молча в интернет зашла.
Я искала там ответ,
Может мне дадут совет?
Иль подскажет кто-то где-то,
Ну, за что, за что мне это?!
Вспоминает свою маму!
Нудную заводит гамму.
Испеку ж тебе печенье,…
Раз не ешь моё варенье.
Приготовлю я perfect!
Отыскала я рецепт.

My love was born in perfect teance,
My love is trance - my love is sens,

But I belive my sister craing,
Becouse my love already deing.

I stand already - and I screaming,
Don't let yourself to losing filling.

Sveiki, drauge...
Kaip tu gyveni?
Mirame a mí Augen,
In das Licht, que se brilla en mí.

Labas vakaras, ačiu,
אצלי ամեն ինչ gērai,
Свой взгляд я уже не прячу,
אבל, קצת יתר מדי

זה השלום והאושר,
שעליהם עכשיו חלמים,
Աշխարհում դա շատ լավ դրոշն է,
זה הרוח של אלוהים

Երջանկութունը en la existencia
Se encuentra en cada cosa,
Die Welt, la divina presencia -
Cada mismo es maravilloso.

טוב מאוד,חבר שלי,
Viso gēro, I have to go.
Ես կարձում եմ, we all are free

This is like a dangerous trip.
Every day she faces unexpected,
Like unknown video clip
She’s playing a role unsuspected.
This is a story of love & pain
‘Cause these two never come apart.
The main hero hopes to sustain,
To play perfectly “team member” part.
What happens when curtains are down?
Have you seen the actress alive?
She releases the truth underground
So tomorrow she can dance on the knife.
She’s playing a role with no errors,
But no one can guess it’s a play.
Just as...

Flood-tide below me! I see you face to face!
Clouds of the west – sun there half of hour high –
I see you also face to face.

Crowds of men and women attired in the usual costumes, how curious you are to me!
On the ferry-boats the hundreds and hundreds that cross , returning home,, are more curious to me than you suppose,
And you that shell cross from shore to shore years hence are more to me, and more in my meditations, that you might suppose.


The impalpable sustenance of me from...

The old man of Peru,
Who dreamt he was eating his shoe.

He woke in the night
In a terrible fright,

And found it was perfectly true.

The silvery night sinks down in heavenly cracks.
Fires of lanterns convict a predatory
sight of the urban wolf.
The dissolute fog irons
a cold body
the fan of mad silence.
The wild, unrestrained perfection of the moon
will penetrate in heart of the pith angels.
Wake up, it is time to collect legends of ripe constellations,
crop of the grape god of love.

In dancings shadows the current of narcotic visions revives.
By concourse of sharp winds finds breath ancient fear.
Dress masks...

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