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Экстази взрыв,
Один за одним,
Оргазм раненье тел внутри. Неудовл лечи!

Well ive been sitting thinking of your smile and all of your perfect solutions and getting drunk with the boys just don't cut, fills you full of illusions.

"Создай восторг, нескучай" - тебя я очень жду: "твоих губ волне внутри во мне растворите"... радость на лице светнесс (-ness [nes] или [nis]) с друзьями выпить но не спать... "иллюзив вне себя ощутите".

I'm always tired and sometimes stale, its like a job at...

С этими чувствами в вечность идя,
В твоих мечтах хочу видеть себя.
Лишь для тебя хочу мир изменить,
Всё невозможное в жизнь воплотить.

Я под дождём хочу тебя обнять,
Боль усмирить, улыбку целовать.
В твоих глазах найду я красоту;
В мире, где ты живешь, ложь ни к чему.

Ты знаешь,
Только прикоснешься – стану я смелее,
И, где б ты ни был, я храню тебя.
Отдам я всё что пожелаешь, - я судьбы сильнее.
Я в темноте горю светлей огня,
Когда мне любовь ты даришь.

Я покажу тебе в...

Where are you, my love and tenderness
Where are you, my hope and happiness…
In this world, oh, it can be so cruel
But without you I’m without a soul!

Now I’m lonely and I’m lost
Our roads will never cross
Like a pilot in his plane
I go crashing down in flames
To the end of all my days

Now my world is just an empty cell
It’s become complete and fiery hell
In this world, oh, it can be so cruel
But without you I’m without a soul!

Now I’m lonely and I’m lost
Our roads...

Your love is a subtle knife,
Like a double-edged sword,
Or like a thorn of a Dutch rose…
The magic power of yours
Brings a delightful mental anguish…
Your manners are flirtatious and vampish.
Your eyes… The morning stars, they shine on your visage,
Their light passes through life and death -
Through our existence.
Your lips… Like a forked tongue of a snake
They pierce my soul
And make it shed sweet tears, which you drink
With ecstasy.
Your hair is a golden net,
In which I was...

Are you watching on me
When I’m sleeping next to your arms
Only now it should be
A moment to heal the scars

We can’t be enemies forever
You can be on my side tonight
We used to be in the game together
Now we only know to fight

I’m a liar, you’re a liar
Don’t look into my eyes
I’m a liar, you’re a liar
We stand behind the lies
I’m a liar, you’re a liar
Don’t break into my soul
I’m liar, you’re a liar
My heart is like a stone

When you’re looking at me
I forget about all the...

This is like a dangerous trip.
Every day she faces unexpected,
Like unknown video clip
She’s playing a role unsuspected.
This is a story of love & pain
‘Cause these two never come apart.
The main hero hopes to sustain,
To play perfectly “team member” part.
What happens when curtains are down?
Have you seen the actress alive?
She releases the truth underground
So tomorrow she can dance on the knife.
She’s playing a role with no errors,
But no one can guess it’s a play.
Just as...

Любви, надежды, тихой славы
Недолго нежил нас обман,
Исчезли юные забавы,
Как сон, как утренний туман;
Но в нас горит еще желанье,
Под гнетом власти роковой
Нетерпеливою душой
Отчизны внемлем призыванье.
Мы ждем с томленьем упованья
Минуты вольности святой,
Как ждет любовник молодой
Минуту верного свиданья.
Пока свободою горим,
Пока сердца для чести живы,
Мой друг, отчизне посвятим
Души прекрасные порывы!
Товарищ, верь: взойдет она,
Звезда пленительного счастья,
Россия вспрянет...

Acting like Mo Jo’s
Acting like body bagger’s
Let the bells ring
Rejoice and sing

Jim Jones, where did you come from
Jim Jones, Was it for fun
Jim Jones, That’s your name
Jim Jones, Style of death

This sects the promised land
Are you ready to all meet God?
Bart’s Killers Holding hands
Do not fight the odds
Try to make ’em sick drink up
Be merry and be dead

The Zero Hero

Some of them might get sex
together with that boring joke
Mercenaries disciples
with bibles...

We are the mirrors of each other.
We more then world,
We cloose like brothers.
Suggestion points and points of view,
The vies of minds…
Im like you.

How much does an opinion weigh
Does it really matter what I say
I can't be responsible
Be yourself or be a tool

Who cares what you expect
What is politically correct?
All my ideas are in bad taste
Get off my case and...

Judge yourself
No one else

I don't intend to offend
I just offend with my intent
Beauty's in the beholder's eye
I just like the ugly side

Who cares what you expect
What is politically correct?
All my ideas are in bad taste
Get off my case and...


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