I love you

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I didn`t believe in your love,
it was.
I didn`t believe in your tears
But once I coud trust
and fly.
So foolish... for only fall down
and die.
You didn`t belive in my love,
it was.
And may be about it
you lost..

They loved each other with delight
To self-oblivion. Devout
Was their affection, and the bout
Of their strong passion was so bright.

He met her when the Sun was setting,
And rainbow across the sky
Gladdened the kind dreamer’s eye;
High in the clouds a lark was singing.

They met by accident in the garden,
Where thousands of tulips bloomed.
The air was filled with sweet perfume,
Which was so pleasant and so ardent.

Their lips in rapturous elation
Whispered the words of gaiety...

Your love is a subtle knife,
Like a double-edged sword,
Or like a thorn of a Dutch rose…
The magic power of yours
Brings a delightful mental anguish…
Your manners are flirtatious and vampish.
Your eyes… The morning stars, they shine on your visage,
Their light passes through life and death -
Through our existence.
Your lips… Like a forked tongue of a snake
They pierce my soul
And make it shed sweet tears, which you drink
With ecstasy.
Your hair is a golden net,
In which I was...

Мой товарищ Роман – специалист по литкритике
Поэты, говорит, слабаки и нытики.
Не хочу соглашаться, и сами видите.
Но all is full of love.
каждый день, раскрывая глаза,
от импульсов, как ото сна
дна, без фраз избитых и заносчивых,
слез, соплей – просто кончились, кончились -
all is full of love.
Это мантра, открывающая путь на небеса,
Это слеза, успевшая долететь, прежде чем ты сказал -
all is full of love.
волокно, обтягивающее твое...

Just make your best while living on the Earth!
You knew it would not be so simple.
That game of wonders, death and birth.
And all it's meaning, hidden inside deeply...

You better tell the truth all the time,
Or it will come back to you,
It's not about Bible crime -
It is a law: God gives you everything you are addicted to.

Why Love is so hard to be defined?
Exactly, main source is the Love.
That's what everyone is up to find,
That is that goes from ground to Above.

The one who makes the active, lusty searches
Coordinates in chances with the one,
Who fell in dreams of something great and gorgeous -
They both do live under the same Sun.

And anyways, affinity of passion,
Or Higher Love - it's all about the deal
That means the most impressive world's action,
That has to be immediately revealed.

How could this happen to me?
I made my mistakes...
Where the pain that you feel?
It's in our hands.
I don't know what to do,
So just give me this chance,
And when I'm around you,
I know, this is my place.
Don't wanna wake up today,
Don't wanna think about my sorrow.
Just for one more day,
One more day with you...
Don't wanna think about tomorrow.

Stop me when i'll fall.
Wake me up when
you lose your soul.
Take my hand when
they will kiss you all.
Choose my lips till
you don't lost control.

Бродит по городу грустная осень,
Думы печальные снова приносит.
Вот долгожданное лето промчалось,
То позади,что зимой ожидалось.

Так и по жизни, мы ждем с нетерпеньем-
В детстве - взросленья, в юности - счастья,
Только приходит рубеж - день рожденья,
Думаешь - радоваться, иль огорчаться?

Ты же печальные мысли отбросишь,
Нас соберешь за столом и приносишь
Юность улыбки, очарованье,
Словно впервые идешь на свиданье.

Все мы сегодня тебя поздравляем,
Кубки за здравье твое...

Звезда на темном небосклоне,
Что осветила путь из этой тьмы,
Оставила позади невзгоды,
И испытания дней моей судьбы.

Тот яркий свет, что впереди,
Определил мою судьбу,
И к очертанию тени той далёкой
Стремительно иду.

Ещё немного мне пройти,
И рядом будешь ты.
И мы с тобой вдвоём
Оставим прошлое позади.

Мы вместе, и более нет преград,
И позади холодный дождь и град.
И я люблю – пока дышу,
И я живу – пока люблю!
13.09.2010 Лео К.

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