Father and son

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In the flashing current of the urban life
In the cocktail of voices and sirens,
‘Mid the northern tempests, blizzards
And the fogs above the rivers
Thine life-giving voice is testifying
Of the coming of her Majesty the all-good Spring.
And you sing, and you sing,
Although you aren’t a nightingale,
Thine quiet silvery song is louder than the crack of doom.
It flows like sweetest music,
Which gives hope, invigorates and emboldens.
And the Earth casts off its icy test,
The sparrow’s...

Have I ever felt that weak as I take a look at child?
Feeling tenderness and love, filling up my heart and mind
Have I left my soul in baby that would not allow forget her?
Though it’s been a year now since I left her…since I left her…

Want to kiss her hands, her fingers and embrace her very tender
Want to be her dad, her friend, any kind of surrender
Realize my guilt and blame all the steps I made like blind
Pray that God will not apart me with my one and only child…

Храни меня, мой талисман,
Храни меня во дни гоненья,
Во дни раскаянья, волненья:
Ты в день печали был мне дан.

Когда подымет океан
Вокруг меня валы ревучи,
Когда грозою грянут тучи -
Храни меня, мой талисман.

В уединенье чуждых стран,
На лоне скучного покоя,
В тревоге пламенного боя
Храни меня, мой талисман.

Священный сладостный обман,
Души волшебное светило...
Оно сокрылось, изменило...
Храни меня, мой талисман.

Пускай же ввек сердечных ран

I don't want my freedom
There's no reason for living with a broken heart

This is a tricky situation
I've only got myself to blame
It's just a simple fact of life
It can happen to anyone

You win - you lose
It's a chance you have to take with love
Oh yeah - I fell in love
But now you say it's over and I'm fallin' apart

It's a hard life
To be true lovers together
To love and live forever in each others hearts
It's a long hard fight
To learn to care for each other
To trust in...

In the town where I was born
Lived a man who sailed the sea
And he told us of his lives
In the land of submarines
So we sail up to the sun
Till we found the sea of green
And we live beneath the waves
In our yellow submarine
We all live in our yellow submarine
Yellow submarine yellow submarine
We all live in our yellow submarine
Yellow submarine yellow submarine
And our friends are all aboard
Many more of them live next door
And the band begins to play
We all live in our yellow...

Acting like Mo Jo’s
Acting like body bagger’s
Let the bells ring
Rejoice and sing

Jim Jones, where did you come from
Jim Jones, Was it for fun
Jim Jones, That’s your name
Jim Jones, Style of death

This sects the promised land
Are you ready to all meet God?
Bart’s Killers Holding hands
Do not fight the odds
Try to make ’em sick drink up
Be merry and be dead

The Zero Hero

Some of them might get sex
together with that boring joke
Mercenaries disciples
with bibles...

We all see black and white
When it comes to someone else's fight
No one ever gets involved
Apathy can never solve

FORCED OUT- Brave and Mighty
STOLEN LAND- They can't fight it
HOLD ON- To pride and tradition
Even though they know how much their lives are really missin'

On reservations
A hopeless situation
Respect is something that you earn
Our Indian brothers' getting burned
Original American
Turned into second class citizen

Cry for the Indians
Die for...

… Но вдруг сквозняком захлопнуло дверь в мир искрящихся фантазий.
И пламя, разгоревшееся от одной из искр, потухло.
Так же, как гаснет костёр в лесу, залитый внезапно
обрушившемся на него с неба потоком слёз.
И только Эрот продолжал метать во все стороны свои стрелы,
опираясь пухлой ножкой на пушистое облако
и при этом загадочно улыбаясь. Наблюдая за ним,
я старалась разглядеть его лицо.
Но, если бы смотрела со спины, то заметила бы,
что одно из крыльев ангела подбито и перья...

Ты знаешь, как под звездами
возбуждается серебром тепло?
Ты знаешь, что мы живем?
Ты не оставил ключи от Царства?
Ты являлся этому миру
и жив ли ты?

Давай возродим богов и старые
Воскресим ритуалы пустынных древних лесных пространств,
(разве ты не забыл назиданья
старинной военной лиры?)

Мы нуждаемся в великих оргиях золотой века.

Наши отцы щебечут на куполах лесных изваяний.
Наша мать зарыта в морские побеги.

Ты знаешь, что железные адмиралы
ведут нас, как скот, на...

I Thank for every day of life,
I spread Eternal Light of God,
I'm full of Wisdom anytime,
See Opportunity in Block

Being the Energy of Sun,
I make my Spirit so much stronger,
My Consciousness is Bright and Spotless,
I do not Suffer any longer

I Correspond my Way with God,
My Karma is crystallized and clear,
I help the people all around,
And I'm free from any Fear

I see the Light where it's the Dark
And I can switch the dark to Light,
I switch destruction to Creation,
I feel...

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