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Нутро сожженного Марса
Заполнено злом под завязку.
А значит, шагай и не парся,
Вливайся в смертельную пляску.

Я здесь! И мой смех жестокий
Сочится сквозь сжатые зубы.
И сукровица – в стоки,
И всмятку ожившие трупы.

И промедленье смерти подобно –
Не ты, так тебя уроют.
Бертругера хохот, по нервам, злобно.
И импы от счастья воют.

Да только жертва не я – они.
И щерится тварь под прицелом.
Поближе давай! Еще ближе шагни!
Не так уж опасен я, в целом.


Endless curse, blood runs cold
Evil stare, will turn your flesh to stone
Land of doom, world of sin
All subside, don't venture near
The island where she lives
Oh, she'll suck you in

Destroyer of life, Demon
Oh I'm ready to strike, Gorgon

Serpents bride, the end awaits
Human prey, no swords or armor
Shield you from your fate
Hey you, you can't escape
Wicked smile, full of lies
Head of snakes, approach her cave
But don't look in her eyes
Oh, her eyes

Seize, appease, deceive...

In the flashing current of the urban life
In the cocktail of voices and sirens,
‘Mid the northern tempests, blizzards
And the fogs above the rivers
Thine life-giving voice is testifying
Of the coming of her Majesty the all-good Spring.
And you sing, and you sing,
Although you aren’t a nightingale,
Thine quiet silvery song is louder than the crack of doom.
It flows like sweetest music,
Which gives hope, invigorates and emboldens.
And the Earth casts off its icy test,
The sparrow’s...

May this be true,what I believed,
is no more sense to what I need.
I thought of best, of common wealth,
instead,I have not much to loose but health.

There isn't much to give or take,
all what I could what done for goodness sake.
The falling rain drop after drop,
go down to earth and burst in pop.

My hopes were doomed to sink in well,
alike the burning chains of hell.
Still I do live and keep my pride,
my dream- is secret in my mind.

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