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Flood-tide below me! I see you face to face!
Clouds of the west – sun there half of hour high –
I see you also face to face.

Crowds of men and women attired in the usual costumes, how curious you are to me!
On the ferry-boats the hundreds and hundreds that cross , returning home,, are more curious to me than you suppose,
And you that shell cross from shore to shore years hence are more to me, and more in my meditations, that you might suppose.


The impalpable sustenance of me from...

Walking in alleys of Love,
He thought of his purpose in Life,
Then suddenly changes had come,
It felt like a Bliss or some

He escaped the Land of the Home -
The Universe alleys of Heat,
The other shell came all alone,
The body with soul kept fit

For Eight months of time of the Earth,
He walked then in streets of the Light,
Then suddenly changes had come,
And he appeared alive

He was born at twilight nine o'clock,
At the shining of February snow,
The truth of his Essence was...

Исчезнет всё, что было мило,
Иссякнет наслаждений мёд,
А юность, что вчера кутила,
Сегодня милостыни ждёт.

Забыта будет роскошь женщин,
В пыль обратится прах цветов,
Плоды садов сгниют - не вечны,
Седым узрим голов покров.

О, юность, милая! Вернись!
Но время к нам так безучастно.
Воспоминанья рвутся ввысь
И душу мучают ужасно.

Любовь земная! Будь со мной!
Но чувства, как цветы, увяли.
Их гонит прочь дождь ледяной.
Куда уходят? Если б знали...

There Is the Moon,
That's reflexing on February snow,
That is singing up high all alone,
I will come to You soon

There is the Moon,
That is shining on somebody's face,
That is watching humanity race,
Just reversing a noon

There is the night,
That is calling for Brightening Light,
That is waiting for heat of the Sun,
For God whims have been done

There is the Time,
That in Universe doesn't exist,
But on Earth it is hidden in mist,
Deep inside in the mind

There is the sky...

We have a dream, you win tonight
Take a chance, take a chance, God is on you side
We pray for you, you like a hurricane
You can win, you can win, you can win the game
Try the impossible, we want a miracle
There's a million fans around
Our dreams free, we want the victory
The hero's back in town

Ohh come on We, we can win the race
Ohh he, fights us face to face
Ohh see, we will win the game
Again, again, and again
Ohh come on We, we can win the race
Ohh we, we will take the chance...

Для редактора,
озабоченного передовицей,
он никто, какой-то Джон Мильтон,
затерявшийся на литературной обочине.

Актриса глицериновую слезу
из-за него не проливала ни разу.

О нем хранит молчание
радио и телевещание.

Нет ни досье, ни файлов секретных.
Нет псевдонимов народу известных.

Никому не интересно
узнать его настоящее имя.

Жив ли он, мертв ли он,
не проверяет никто.

Возможно в чулане
детективы найдут его труп
с разбитым лицом,
с открытыми глазами...

Danger is coming
i could be afraid
but this fear is free
not a cent is paid

ceremonie de la fortune

staying alone
before i am gone
and silence in sounds
out there. roundabouts

fortune de la ceremonie

This is like a dangerous trip.
Every day she faces unexpected,
Like unknown video clip
She’s playing a role unsuspected.
This is a story of love & pain
‘Cause these two never come apart.
The main hero hopes to sustain,
To play perfectly “team member” part.
What happens when curtains are down?
Have you seen the actress alive?
She releases the truth underground
So tomorrow she can dance on the knife.
She’s playing a role with no errors,
But no one can guess it’s a play.
Just as...

Я нимогу поверить в то , что ты делаешь со мной;
Возможно это сон, но наши эмоции льются рекой;
Задыхаясь от счастья я помогу тебе рукой;
Дотянуться до луны и обжечься звездой;
Перед тем, как ты обнимешь мысли мои;
пройди за мной и услышишь тайну за стеной...
Как я хочу жить,
Молча любить,
Как я хочу дышать,
Сидя летать,
Слышать звуки,
Кипящей крови.
2 куплет:
Я нимогу поверить в то, что делают со мной люди;
Бросают, как игрушку и снова берут в руки;

The armour glinted harshly dull
In beams of setting sun,
Its polished parts sat smartly on
To shield the solid One.

He stood there rock,
A metal spur
On stones of mighty wall,
Beyond of that came ever high
The flags of City Hall.

His squinted eyes were watching far,
His hand was grasping bow,
Cast arrows ramped for piercing flight
And sword –
For clashing blow.

Those craven foes…
They dared not to come to Warrier’s sight.
They shrank in holes
And damned cursed
With voices...

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