The doors

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I saw the multitude of shining constellations,
A-looking at the heavens through your eyes.
The destiny has sent me satisfaction,
However, I haven’t found the Paradise.
The stellar light is beautiful and blessed,
But it comes from the stars, which are already dead;
Our love, our love, which hopelessly lasted
A while, tears my heart to pieces, splits my head.
I won’t disturb you, all is gone forever,
The Universe belongs to us no more.
The ashes of our feelings are a feather,
Which is a...

Under the yoke of the winter
You slept, lethargic, in the North.
The evil king, the Frost, oppressed you,
But the power of the Sun
Has demolished his wicked kingdom!
Your dazzling-white petals,
Your gentle scent, intoxicating and alluring,
Has won over the permafrost.

May, 2012

Замечательно всё, жизнь просто прелесть,
Я дыханием елей, упоительно нежусь.
Разгоняя на сердце, любовный дурман,
С головой непокрытой, в осень иду.
А в осеннем лесу, необычная свежесть,
И деревья в низинах, укутал туман.
Значит всё, мне теперь одному,
И чего-то не будет, как прежде.
От седого дождя, никуда не бегу,
Листьев слушаю , тонкий шелест.
Что случилось, поверить ещё не могу,
Невозможно забыть, мне дарившую нежность.
Я в хорошее верю.... кричу облакам.
Может смогут понять...

Sveiki, drauge...
Kaip tu gyveni?
Mirame a mí Augen,
In das Licht, que se brilla en mí.

Labas vakaras, ačiu,
אצלי ամեն ինչ gērai,
Свой взгляд я уже не прячу,
אבל, קצת יתר מדי

זה השלום והאושר,
שעליהם עכשיו חלמים,
Աշխարհում դա շատ լավ դրոշն է,
זה הרוח של אלוהים

Երջանկութունը en la existencia
Se encuentra en cada cosa,
Die Welt, la divina presencia -
Cada mismo es maravilloso.

טוב מאוד,חבר שלי,
Viso gēro, I have to go.
Ես կարձում եմ, we all are free

Я памятник себе воздвиг нерукотворный,
К нему не зарастет народная тропа,
Вознесся выше он главою непокорной
___Александрийского столпа.

Нет, весь я не умру — душа в заветной лире
Мой прах переживет и тленья убежит —
И славен буду я, доколь в подлунном мире
___Жив будет хоть один пиит.

Слух обо мне пойдет по всей Руси великой,
И назовет меня всяк сущий в ней язык,
И гордый внук славян, и финн, и ныне дикой
___Тунгус, и друг степей калмык.

И долго буду тем любезен я народу,

Is this the real life -
Is this just fantasy -
Caught in a landslide -
No escape from reality -
Open your eyes
Look up to the skies and see -
I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy -
Because I'm easy come, easy go,
A little high, little low,
Anyway the wind blows, doesn't really matter to me,
- to me -,

Mama, just killed a men,
Put a gun against his head,
Pulled my trigger, now he's dead,
Mama, life had just begun,
but now I've gone and thrown it all away -
Mama, ooo,

Steel shattered in the night
Soldiers racing to the fight
Bombs waiting to explode
Fear is cast up on your soul

It's just around the corner
For those who dare to see
With eyes of fire
The burn right through me

Blood painted on the streets
Metal cutting into meat
You can see it in my eyes
Pain that never will subside

And you can feel the power
On evil it will feed
The force that surrounds me
It brings me to my knees

We better run for cover
There's no time to waste...

How much does an opinion weigh
Does it really matter what I say
I can't be responsible
Be yourself or be a tool

Who cares what you expect
What is politically correct?
All my ideas are in bad taste
Get off my case and...

Judge yourself
No one else

I don't intend to offend
I just offend with my intent
Beauty's in the beholder's eye
I just like the ugly side

Who cares what you expect
What is politically correct?
All my ideas are in bad taste
Get off my case and...


Fistful of brass
Double barrelled pistons and a tank full of gas
He's a heavyweight
Enforcer inside
Like a man in the chair he's gonna go for a ride

Break him
Take him down
Squeeze him, watch him drown

Against lightning
The wind from his sails
Takes on a man who's harder than a coffin nail
Priceless, the look on his face
If you look real close you can see the expiration date

Break him
Take him down
Squeeze him, watch him drown

Black Dahlia's in my head

Hey diddle, diddle,
The cat and the fiddle,
The cow jumped over the moon;
The little dog laughed
To see such fun,
And the dish run away with the spoon.

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