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What they are searching, what looking for?
Blind stars of wisdom - blind glance of open sore?

They want to hear your human pleads?
When every night you keep repeats
the words for mercy to the Lord,
and every single, branded word
pure despair floating through your throat?

Or they awaits when you smash up
with simple feelings filled cup?
When you breakdown, when you collapse
When you breath out «No more…enough!»

But no, you wrong.
They don’t intend.
They just the stars, they...

I don't promise you
That I will love eternally.
You look in heavens blue.
Feel me today internally.
Light music of my soul.
Play tenderness of touch.
Once we have lost control,
Now we should know how much.

I searched for you everywhere.
I waited for you set of years.
I needed you as in air.
I listened to music of spheres.
Our eyes have met,
It's absolutely the other world.
You're mine, you're sweet.
We are two parts of a single whole.

Your passion has spread wings,
We will...

The child of the Volga region,
White, like a butterfly in the pitch black night
And fragrant, like an incense in the dungeon,
You stand alone in all your royal might.
Born by the land of the disgraceful strangers,
So cold and wild, and by the Heavens cursed,
Within the glades and mountain ranges,
You dwell on the summit of the Universe.
Your life is sad, but hopefully,
You are a luminary for this World, truly.

June 14, 2012

I'll get you out of my head
I won't let you drive me mad
Hurt but unbowed

The sun is bright, the sky is blue
The world still turns without you
Don't ever doubt
I'm feeling powerful and bold
I can take over the world
My will is strict, my mind is cold
I'm fircely proud

The day comes closer to twilight
The sun is slipping out of sight
I'm ready for a fight
I check my hoard, i gain my might
I do the same thing every night
I'm weaving spells around my mind
Not letting you...

Навеяно композицией «Апрель» хард-рок группы «Дип перпл» (Deep Purple) 1969 г.

Жестокий месяц февраль
Солнце закрыто тучами
Серое небо там, где должно быть синее
И ты весь в ожидании
Но пока ты видишь только движения черных теней
Спроси меня, почему должно быть так
Зачем же так страдать
Я закричу в ответ, откуда мне знать?
Я ничего не могу с этим поделать

Одинокая девочка весна
Где же ты, где?
Ты пропала со своим солнцем
Наши улицы полны боли
Нам не хватает света
Неужели зима...

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