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There was a Father on planet of Earth,
He waited his son to be born,
Carpenter was the aforesaid Father
His handicrafts going to reborn

Shouting about the birth of the Son,
Father repeated about his craft,
With happiness Father had laughed

The Son and the Father were loving each other,
But it revealed that the Son had grown up,
And he understood that these legends annoy him,
And go with ideas of Father apart

"Father, please listen -
I think independently, ...
"Son, you do not...

I play the game - the Game of Life,
I cannot find the end,
But I stay calm and I enjoy
The "birth-and-dying" Band

And then, just after sixteen years,
When I am kind of man,
After a year of whiner talks,
The Brightening gives me Hand

I learned, what said the Jesus Christ,
Cause Bible is misunderstood,
It's good for those who rules the Land,
It's kind of stuff or selling goods

And now I am the Light of Love,
I'm going to Abundance,
And now I know the mean of Life,
It came to...

Walking in alleys of Love,
He thought of his purpose in Life,
Then suddenly changes had come,
It felt like a Bliss or some

He escaped the Land of the Home -
The Universe alleys of Heat,
The other shell came all alone,
The body with soul kept fit

For Eight months of time of the Earth,
He walked then in streets of the Light,
Then suddenly changes had come,
And he appeared alive

He was born at twilight nine o'clock,
At the shining of February snow,
The truth of his Essence was...

There Is the Moon,
That's reflexing on February snow,
That is singing up high all alone,
I will come to You soon

There is the Moon,
That is shining on somebody's face,
That is watching humanity race,
Just reversing a noon

There is the night,
That is calling for Brightening Light,
That is waiting for heat of the Sun,
For God whims have been done

There is the Time,
That in Universe doesn't exist,
But on Earth it is hidden in mist,
Deep inside in the mind

There is the sky...

If you want to take may hand -
You may.
If you want to go to some Land
Just remind
That any Time,
In any state,
The One
That Is Called
The Love of Mine
Whatever it was - warm or cold,
Do whatever it wants

Вышли в свет из материнской утробы
Свободные места занять.
Дать обещание на будущие годы
Жертвами стать.

Когда в дверях твое время
Cтекает вниз на пол,
Среди шума ты узнаешь
И больше не твое,
Все что ты сеял.

Небольшая операция,
Окончательное принуждение.
Финальный ультиматум.
Тысячи слов, произнесенные громко.
Чтобы было слышно глухому
В обманутой толпе.

Потом ты идешь
Вниз по своей улице.
С неприятными звуками.
Может быть куда-то уехать?

The child of the Volga region,
White, like a butterfly in the pitch black night
And fragrant, like an incense in the dungeon,
You stand alone in all your royal might.
Born by the land of the disgraceful strangers,
So cold and wild, and by the Heavens cursed,
Within the glades and mountain ranges,
You dwell on the summit of the Universe.
Your life is sad, but hopefully,
You are a luminary for this World, truly.

June 14, 2012

Храни меня, мой талисман,
Храни меня во дни гоненья,
Во дни раскаянья, волненья:
Ты в день печали был мне дан.

Когда подымет океан
Вокруг меня валы ревучи,
Когда грозою грянут тучи -
Храни меня, мой талисман.

В уединенье чуждых стран,
На лоне скучного покоя,
В тревоге пламенного боя
Храни меня, мой талисман.

Священный сладостный обман,
Души волшебное светило...
Оно сокрылось, изменило...
Храни меня, мой талисман.

Пускай же ввек сердечных ран

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