I love you

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Endless curse, blood runs cold
Evil stare, will turn your flesh to stone
Land of doom, world of sin
All subside, don't venture near
The island where she lives
Oh, she'll suck you in

Destroyer of life, Demon
Oh I'm ready to strike, Gorgon

Serpents bride, the end awaits
Human prey, no swords or armor
Shield you from your fate
Hey you, you can't escape
Wicked smile, full of lies
Head of snakes, approach her cave
But don't look in her eyes
Oh, her eyes

Seize, appease, deceive...

Said good bye when I leff to your answering machine.
Then you jumped in a plane
you know what I mean.
Pick up the phone
oh yeah - pick up the phone
oh please

I need your voice again
hearing your voice again.
Waiting so many years
feeling closer to you -
Not a sign not a trace
what can I do?
Pick up the phone
oh yeah - pick up the phone
oh please
. . .
Pick up the phone
let me know - I don't want to lose you
Don't hang up
get in touch
fill the shadow in my...

I like
When I do not need to play the role.
I can throw off the mask and be myself.
I do not need to hide my soul.
I can be honest and sincere.
I like
When I can feel the freedom in my heard.
I can be open
Because I know
You will understand me
You will support me
You will not hurt me.

If you ever know,
That it is so extremely well
When you do not need words.
When you look in someone eyes
And all is understandable.
When someone speak
And you don’t hear
You only try to catch...

I Got So Much Trouble on My Mind
Paranoia Time
I'm Running out of Life
Clockwise and the Seconds Tick Way
Each Line That Cuts My Face
Cut as Each Hand Moves into Place
Paranoiaamped and Wired
Bile Black the Thoughts That Run My Head
There's So Much to Be Said
They're So Much Living Dead
Walking Corpses Shambling Through Life
With Nothing in Their Sight
Dance on Their Bones, Step in and Fight
Amped and Wired
Life and Death Are Fighting for My Time
I Can't Seem to Find the...

How much does an opinion weigh
Does it really matter what I say
I can't be responsible
Be yourself or be a tool

Who cares what you expect
What is politically correct?
All my ideas are in bad taste
Get off my case and...

Judge yourself
No one else

I don't intend to offend
I just offend with my intent
Beauty's in the beholder's eye
I just like the ugly side

Who cares what you expect
What is politically correct?
All my ideas are in bad taste
Get off my case and...


I'm out to mix it up and change my complexion
To coat the feelings and cure my depression
A shot of petrol is my bonafide method
To lose control and get thoroughly distracted

I'm on the money, here I come
Fuel for my engine, and I?m gone

I like to forget why I feel this compulsive
As I toss tomorrow's dreams in the garbage
What's important is a mind that's sicker
Turning Jekyll into Hide much quicker

I'm on the money, here I come
Fuel for my engine, and I'm gone

1, 2, 3, 4, 1...

Ты знаешь, как под звездами
возбуждается серебром тепло?
Ты знаешь, что мы живем?
Ты не оставил ключи от Царства?
Ты являлся этому миру
и жив ли ты?

Давай возродим богов и старые
Воскресим ритуалы пустынных древних лесных пространств,
(разве ты не забыл назиданья
старинной военной лиры?)

Мы нуждаемся в великих оргиях золотой века.

Наши отцы щебечут на куполах лесных изваяний.
Наша мать зарыта в морские побеги.

Ты знаешь, что железные адмиралы
ведут нас, как скот, на...

Liven' La Vi Da Loca


She's into superstition
Black cats and voodoo dolls
I'd felt a premonition
That girl's gonna make me fall

She's into new sensation
New kicks and candle light
She's got a new addiction
For every day and night

2-She'll make you take your clothes off
And go dancing in the rain
She'll make you live the crazy life
As she'll take away your pain
Like a bullet to your brain
1-Upside inside out
Livin' la vida loca

Увидев c семьдесят ярких огней,
Каждый ждёт чуда с их "небес"
Слушай Метод без проблем:

Just like seventies goofballs
Увидев с семьдесят ярких огней,
He’s waiting on last calls
Каждый ждёт чуда с их "небес"
Well listen to Method Man
Слушай Метод без проблем:
'cause if you leave on the last line
Небес реальная жизнь,
Don’t leave on the ground kind
В других верхах.
Born just a little too slow
Жить в спокойном ритме здесь... в ка-айф!
Just a little too slow
Не торопись лови... ка...

Look into my eyes and tell me what you see
If this meant to show one say it's mystery
Since the day I met you baby I can feel
Deep inside my heart I know it's real
You have turned my dreams into reality
Baby not my hunter, you're sweet melody
It's the same old feeling baby, it's so real
Deep inside my heart I know it's real

Say you'll never, never, never go away
Say you'll never, never, never never go away

Yesterday my life was just a history
Now I feel like mastering my destiny...

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