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В какой уж раз моя Душа
К секретам страстью удивляет.
При этом "всё и вся круша"Мужскую смелость проявляет.
Я засыпал под лёгкий шум
Ночного бриза в снастях мачты.
Дорожка света from the Moon
Плела немыслимые страсти.

Спал, как безгрешное дитя,
Перекрестив постель по Вере.
И, вдруг те на, как бы шутя,
Again, Душа, в своей манере: -

My dear Friend! На этот раз
Не полечу я в космодали.
С чертями предстоит мне «ралли»
И показать при этом класс!

Опять ты будешь матом гнуть...

hot summer morning
from open baptist's church door
coolness and clapping

no matter what I do,
no matter what I say,
no matter how I feel,
I know we'll be together someday.
You've been pulled away from me,
so I helped to push you back,
now I know what I lack.
I miss your arms around me,
and when I used to giggle.
I miss you touching me,
that always made me wiggle.
I know we'll be together someday,
I know fate will have it's way.
It's our destiny.

I have wished in days when I am left in sorrow,
there would be a piece of heart for me to borrow.
From the person of admire,
whom I love and trust my soul in fire.
Falling into wild discussion,
in despair resolving puzzle of corruption.
I have wished, if only I could bear no stress,
to keep strength I still posses.
Until innocence of air refresh my mind,
just before I realize as far as I was blind.

Searching for pacification,
need inside of you.
Getting back humiliation,
from the one surrounding you.

Pleased with what you have,
thinking that you're gifted.
Is that all, that you can have,
on your way that's drifted.

There's obstacle inside ourselves,
dealing with the problem.
Never let it go itself,
don't rely at random.

Walles Stevens

Arrival ft the Waldorf

Home from Guatemala, back at the Waldorf.
This arrival in the wild country of the soul,
All approaches gone, being completely there,

Where the wild poem is a substitute
For the woman one loves or ought to love,
Jyf wild rhapsody a fake for another/

You touch the hotel the way you touch light
Or sun light and you hum and the orchestra
Hums and you say “The world in a verse,
A generation sealed, men remoter than mountains,
Women invisible...

Храни меня, мой талисман,
Храни меня во дни гоненья,
Во дни раскаянья, волненья:
Ты в день печали был мне дан.

Когда подымет океан
Вокруг меня валы ревучи,
Когда грозою грянут тучи -
Храни меня, мой талисман.

В уединенье чуждых стран,
На лоне скучного покоя,
В тревоге пламенного боя
Храни меня, мой талисман.

Священный сладостный обман,
Души волшебное светило...
Оно сокрылось, изменило...
Храни меня, мой талисман.

Пускай же ввек сердечных ран

Another red letter day,
So the pound has dropped and the children are creating,
The other half run away,
Taking all the cash and leaving you with the lumber,
Got a pain in the chest,
Doctors on strike what you need is a rest.

It's not easy love, but you've got friends you can trust,
Friends will be friends,
When you're in need of love they give you care and attention.
Friends will be friends,
When you're through with life and all hope is lost,
Hold out your hand cos friends will be...

I want to break free
I want to break free
I want to break free from your lies
You're so self-satisfied I don't need you
I want to break free
God knows, God knows I want to break free

I've fallen inlove
I've fallen inlove for the first time
And this time I know it's for real
I've fallen inlove - yeah
God knows, God knows I've fallen in love

It's strange but it's true
I can't get over the way you love me like you do
But I have to be sure
When I walk out that door
Oh how I want...

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