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I Got So Much Trouble on My Mind
Paranoia Time
I'm Running out of Life
Clockwise and the Seconds Tick Way
Each Line That Cuts My Face
Cut as Each Hand Moves into Place
Paranoiaamped and Wired
Bile Black the Thoughts That Run My Head
There's So Much to Be Said
They're So Much Living Dead
Walking Corpses Shambling Through Life
With Nothing in Their Sight
Dance on Their Bones, Step in and Fight
Amped and Wired
Life and Death Are Fighting for My Time
I Can't Seem to Find the...


Нет крепче слов –
Не расцепить и не разрушить
Букв и духа смысловую связь,–
Взаимопроникновенье полюсов,
Втекающее в души –
Целебного сознанья мазь.


Ноты – поглотители слуха,
Ноты – проглотители духа;
Они как сперматозоиды –
Вливаются в раковину уха;
И музыка бушует в мозгу,
И открыть я глаза не могу…
Вращались вокруг астероиды.

It's alright with me as long as you are by
my side,
Talk or just say nothing, I don't mind your
looks never lie.

I was always on the run, finding out what
I was looking for and
I was always insecure, just until I found

Words often don't come easy, I never loved
to show you the inside of me oh no my

You were always patience, dragging out
what I tried to hide

I was always on the run, finding out what
I was looking for and
I was always insecure, just until I found...

Oh Maria, oh Maria, oh Marie, oh, ah

Oh when she speaks, this spanish words
It's like a fire in my soul, and it hurts
And when she moves, I cannot sleep
I think I'm strong, but I know I'm so weak
When she's next to me
Oh it's like extacy

Lonely Maria, Maria, Maria
You're such a beautiful but lonely senorita
Lonely Maria, Maria, Maria
Oh do you have the time, to kiss me oh Maria
Maria, Maria, I know
Maria I miss you so
Maria, Maria don't go
Baby I need you so

Oh when...

Крадётся свет луны ночной
И прогоняет летний зной.
Шаги уносят смуты дня -
Пусть мир кружится без меня

Свою религию творя,
С тобой вдвоём стоим в дверях.
Парфюм твой, что тебя вдыхал,
Меня, окутав, пропитал

И я хочу к тебе прижаться,
Только сердце пустилось вскачь -
И я тебя едва касаюсь

Снять и затерять,
Лампы свет приглушить -
Любовь мою
Не утолить.
Продолжай же дразнить,
Чтоб по капле испить
Любовь, что мне
Не утолить

Бежит по коже лунный свет,
И скрытен губ...

They loved each other with delight
To self-oblivion. Devout
Was their affection, and the bout
Of their strong passion was so bright.

He met her when the Sun was setting,
And rainbow across the sky
Gladdened the kind dreamer’s eye;
High in the clouds a lark was singing.

They met by accident in the garden,
Where thousands of tulips bloomed.
The air was filled with sweet perfume,
Which was so pleasant and so ardent.

Their lips in rapturous elation
Whispered the words of gaiety...

I like
When I do not need to play the role.
I can throw off the mask and be myself.
I do not need to hide my soul.
I can be honest and sincere.
I like
When I can feel the freedom in my heard.
I can be open
Because I know
You will understand me
You will support me
You will not hurt me.

If you ever know,
That it is so extremely well
When you do not need words.
When you look in someone eyes
And all is understandable.
When someone speak
And you don’t hear
You only try to catch...

Вышли в свет из материнской утробы
Свободные места занять.
Дать обещание на будущие годы
Жертвами стать.

Когда в дверях твое время
Cтекает вниз на пол,
Среди шума ты узнаешь
И больше не твое,
Все что ты сеял.

Небольшая операция,
Окончательное принуждение.
Финальный ультиматум.
Тысячи слов, произнесенные громко.
Чтобы было слышно глухому
В обманутой толпе.

Потом ты идешь
Вниз по своей улице.
С неприятными звуками.
Может быть куда-то уехать?

O winds! O winds! O ramblers of the worlds!
Ubiquitous and free, sometimes cruel,
You carry away feelings, thoughts, remembrances and words,
Both worthless and those of greatest price, like jewels.

June 25, 2012

The thought: "So that you may know ..." was revealed to me a little from the preface, and we considered it as:
That is, in other words, Master, we realized the possibility, but we did not know where it came from.

Between the great sheikh and the great Ferdowsi,
The basis of their work is a star Simurghi.

The sign, his sages from the Tajiks,
As well as each of the nations of the world.

The owner of the symbol, compared to the birds:
"Phoenix in Europe, Illness of Americans"


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