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In the New Age, with the possibility
Of looking at Life Spiritual,
We now may let ourselves
Make spots of past effectual

And now we see differently
Past and the "Here and Now"
We guess: all that happened was Holy,
The Idea of God was allowed

So, everybody, let's Thank
Everyone who was following a script,
Choosing the Fate by themselves,
Who made the old World be slipped

It will not be easy, my friends,
But sometimes it will be too simple,
And, anyhow, it will rise us

Невидимым! Как же каждый хочет быть таким!
Невидимым! Сбежать, сбежать, сбежать!
Скрыться от проблем, умиреть в изоляции...

I remember when everything was calm
Now I'm thinking about chaos, chaos
I'm not dead
I'm not alive
I've got something that's on my mind
I said...
"We're on our way to a better place
We're on our way to nowhere safe"

It's all right if you don't care about being

Everyone wants to be
To hide, to hide, to hide

Были времена, спокойно...

Spring Victory, joy and love
Hurry home, I go back again --
Home, home, home, home, home,
Europe, we will leave behind,
Home, home, home, home, home,
Europe, we will leave behind ...

That's behind us, a terrible war
Thing of the past, rejoice country --
Home, home, home, home, home,
Europe, we will leave behind,
Home, home, home, home, home,
Europe, we will leave behind ...

Dear, dear motherland you met,
We all remember this bright May --
Home, home, home, home, home...

Look into my eyes and tell me what you see
If this meant to show one say it's mystery
Since the day I met you baby I can feel
Deep inside my heart I know it's real
You have turned my dreams into reality
Baby not my hunter, you're sweet melody
It's the same old feeling baby, it's so real
Deep inside my heart I know it's real

Say you'll never, never, never go away
Say you'll never, never, never never go away

Yesterday my life was just a history
Now I feel like mastering my destiny...

I cannot sleep-the night is young
I cannot eat-i want some fun
I pick you up-route 66
Life gives me the kick
I cannot live-i love this life
I cannot die-can i survive
I cannot breath-without your love
I can´t get enough

It´s the last exit to brooklyn
New york city,oh is waiting
You´re a new boy,you´re a party guy
Baby lets dance,and have some joy
West coast,east side,that is the place where
New york,L.A. i wanna live there
New york city boy,L.A. party girl
Baby let´s dance,in a...

It was in a twilight of fresh world cleft,
Million nights from the Equator left,
Nations were searching for a chance to unite.
However, the life was always a fight...

I have been spending my time in somewhere,
Sending a voice of Divine out of there,
And it was a second when stars were shining coquetly,
When Angel in clothes of human was being an actor.

I sent him a knowledge of truth and heat of its Home,
Said that it wouldn't be long, but eternal as stone,
That God is...

Heaven is for everyone
If you're old or if you're young
Baby, you can't kiss the past goodbye
When I saw her in the night cafe
Just near by the Champs-Elysee
She lookes so sad, she breaks my heart
She told me, she will take the car
And drive to an unknown star
She falls in love with someone else - not me
And I know, my tears will never dry
When I heard her say just goodbye
I never say, she guilty, guilty for my love

I'll never fall in love again
I'll never fall in love...

Крадётся свет луны ночной
И прогоняет летний зной.
Шаги уносят смуты дня -
Пусть мир кружится без меня

Свою религию творя,
С тобой вдвоём стоим в дверях.
Парфюм твой, что тебя вдыхал,
Меня, окутав, пропитал

И я хочу к тебе прижаться,
Только сердце пустилось вскачь -
И я тебя едва касаюсь

Снять и затерять,
Лампы свет приглушить -
Любовь мою
Не утолить.
Продолжай же дразнить,
Чтоб по капле испить
Любовь, что мне
Не утолить

Бежит по коже лунный свет,
И скрытен губ...

С этими чувствами в вечность идя,
В твоих мечтах хочу видеть себя.
Лишь для тебя хочу мир изменить,
Всё невозможное в жизнь воплотить.

Я под дождём хочу тебя обнять,
Боль усмирить, улыбку целовать.
В твоих глазах найду я красоту;
В мире, где ты живешь, ложь ни к чему.

Ты знаешь,
Только прикоснешься – стану я смелее,
И, где б ты ни был, я храню тебя.
Отдам я всё что пожелаешь, - я судьбы сильнее.
Я в темноте горю светлей огня,
Когда мне любовь ты даришь.

Я покажу тебе в...

I don't promise you
That I will love eternally.
You look in heavens blue.
Feel me today internally.
Light music of my soul.
Play tenderness of touch.
Once we have lost control,
Now we should know how much.

I searched for you everywhere.
I waited for you set of years.
I needed you as in air.
I listened to music of spheres.
Our eyes have met,
It's absolutely the other world.
You're mine, you're sweet.
We are two parts of a single whole.

Your passion has spread wings,
We will...

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