Just do it

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Please, don’t leave me alone
Please, don’t make me cry
I want to be with you
I don’t want to love die

I never forget this wonderful night
Where just you and me
Where cool moon’s light
Please, tell me you will be my
Please, tell me you never go away
I wish night will be stay

But morning close and close
And love like withering rose
And this is true. Please don’t cry
Cause I don’t want to tell you lie
I scream I love you!
But love already died.


If the stars become blue,
All my dreams will come true,
And cold light can exist, if you are a priest...
If you want to think right,
All you need -just cold mind.
But when you are burn, all round things overturn.

Steel shattered in the night
Soldiers racing to the fight
Bombs waiting to explode
Fear is cast up on your soul

It's just around the corner
For those who dare to see
With eyes of fire
The burn right through me

Blood painted on the streets
Metal cutting into meat
You can see it in my eyes
Pain that never will subside

And you can feel the power
On evil it will feed
The force that surrounds me
It brings me to my knees

We better run for cover
There's no time to waste...

Out in the streets
We're fighting tonight
We're dirty and mean
So run for you lives

We stand side by side
With our fists in the air
We live for the night
On the razor's edge

Unleashing the sound
Lashing out, striking down
All those who stand in the way

Taking their lives
Crushing them just like flies
The cries of the wounded in pain

Fighting the fight as we race through the night
With power like never before

Hammering, bashing them, pounding and smashing them
Hard so...

We all see black and white
When it comes to someone else's fight
No one ever gets involved
Apathy can never solve

FORCED OUT- Brave and Mighty
STOLEN LAND- They can't fight it
HOLD ON- To pride and tradition
Even though they know how much their lives are really missin'

On reservations
A hopeless situation
Respect is something that you earn
Our Indian brothers' getting burned
Original American
Turned into second class citizen

Cry for the Indians
Die for...

We are so young
our lives have just begun
but already we're considering
escape from this world

and we've waited for so long
for this moment to come
was so anxious to be together
together in death

Won't you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death
Won't you die
Baby join me in death
Won't you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death

This world is a cruel place
and we're here only to lose
so before live tears us apart let
death bless me with you

Won't you die tonight...

Some people think
Think they have none
They might as well stay down
Running in circles
Like bulls in a ring
'Til the sword finds it's way down

While the creep beats the rap on appeal
And the cop who can't stop
Shows the kids how to steal

And we all need some light now
We all need some light now
Yes, we all need some light now
Turn on your light
And wash the darkness away

Hey you on the brink
Waiting to fall
To become human surplus
The movie's still shooting

Ты знаешь, как под звездами
возбуждается серебром тепло?
Ты знаешь, что мы живем?
Ты не оставил ключи от Царства?
Ты являлся этому миру
и жив ли ты?

Давай возродим богов и старые
Воскресим ритуалы пустынных древних лесных пространств,
(разве ты не забыл назиданья
старинной военной лиры?)

Мы нуждаемся в великих оргиях золотой века.

Наши отцы щебечут на куполах лесных изваяний.
Наша мать зарыта в морские побеги.

Ты знаешь, что железные адмиралы
ведут нас, как скот, на...

Наших бед сакральная причина
И преграда жизненных путей-
Вездесущая "мадеинчина"
На изнанке мыслей и вещей...

Мы живём за пазухой у Бога,
на груди пригревшего змею...
Нас уже неисчислимо много
в крохотном игрушечном Раю,

созданном,как яркая приманка,
как рекламный маленький макет...
На груди Господней липко;жарко;
Грязно;но иных приютов нет.

Мы не лучше прочих;даже хуже!!!
Мы достойны плахи иль костра;
Для таких не Бог,а Дьявол нужен;
Нас распять-мы ж улетим с креста!


I play the game - the Game of Life,
I cannot find the end,
But I stay calm and I enjoy
The "birth-and-dying" Band

And then, just after sixteen years,
When I am kind of man,
After a year of whiner talks,
The Brightening gives me Hand

I learned, what said the Jesus Christ,
Cause Bible is misunderstood,
It's good for those who rules the Land,
It's kind of stuff or selling goods

And now I am the Light of Love,
I'm going to Abundance,
And now I know the mean of Life,
It came to...

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