Full moon

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I feel so strong…
It’s full inside…
My Heart is growing,
Fly, do, fly…
All clear, sunny…
Through misfit
And lie…
My Soul is dreaming…
To have the true ring…
To be ripe
To real rafting...
To the life...
It's easy, lassie...
So... untie...
And tigging whisper...
Go on, fly...

It's alright with me as long as you are by
my side,
Talk or just say nothing, I don't mind your
looks never lie.

I was always on the run, finding out what
I was looking for and
I was always insecure, just until I found

Words often don't come easy, I never loved
to show you the inside of me oh no my

You were always patience, dragging out
what I tried to hide

I was always on the run, finding out what
I was looking for and
I was always insecure, just until I found...

Однажды на Марсе я видел зарю,
В которой раскрылись все тайны Вселенной,
И свет странных звезд украшал пустоту,
В объятиях солнца безмерного.

Nix Olimpica!
It's my high rock!
Oxigen blast eruption!
Extazy hazard shock!

Слетелись бесполые твари разлуки,
Судьба мне готовила новые дали.
В объятиях тайны, чужое дыхание
Легло на лицо близким знаком свидания.

Когда в небесах жуткий холод сквозил,
И вестник космических бурь мёртвым прибыл,
Явилась заря, красной пеной полна,

I was old
When I was born
I was feeling cold
And my soul was torn
I walked alone
In solitude and sorrow
I've been shown
I can see tomorrow
Then I found you
And we were one
A new life found
A new life found
It's a miracle of life
My life has been
A journey full of hop
And all I've seen
Is the end of my rope
We'll I have lost
And I have won
Counting the cost
My Faith was never gone
Then I found you
And we were one
A new life found
A new life found...

Hey diddle, diddle,
The cat and the fiddle,
The cow jumped over the moon;
The little dog laughed
To see such fun,
And the dish run away with the spoon.

The moon's a big white football,
The sun's a pound of butter.
The earth is going round the twist
And l'm a little nutter!

Ты знаешь, как под звездами
возбуждается серебром тепло?
Ты знаешь, что мы живем?
Ты не оставил ключи от Царства?
Ты являлся этому миру
и жив ли ты?

Давай возродим богов и старые
Воскресим ритуалы пустынных древних лесных пространств,
(разве ты не забыл назиданья
старинной военной лиры?)

Мы нуждаемся в великих оргиях золотой века.

Наши отцы щебечут на куполах лесных изваяний.
Наша мать зарыта в морские побеги.

Ты знаешь, что железные адмиралы
ведут нас, как скот, на...

The silvery night sinks down in heavenly cracks.
Fires of lanterns convict a predatory
sight of the urban wolf.
The dissolute fog irons
a cold body
the fan of mad silence.
The wild, unrestrained perfection of the moon
will penetrate in heart of the pith angels.
Wake up, it is time to collect legends of ripe constellations,
crop of the grape god of love.

In dancings shadows the current of narcotic visions revives.
By concourse of sharp winds finds breath ancient fear.
Dress masks...

I Thank for every day of life,
I spread Eternal Light of God,
I'm full of Wisdom anytime,
See Opportunity in Block

Being the Energy of Sun,
I make my Spirit so much stronger,
My Consciousness is Bright and Spotless,
I do not Suffer any longer

I Correspond my Way with God,
My Karma is crystallized and clear,
I help the people all around,
And I'm free from any Fear

I see the Light where it's the Dark
And I can switch the dark to Light,
I switch destruction to Creation,
I feel...

No New Year's Day to celebrate
No chocolate covered candy hearts to give away
No first of spring
No song to sing
In fact here's just another ordinary day

No April rain
No flowers bloom
No wedding Saturday within the month of June
But what it is, is something true
Made up of these three words that I must say to you

I just called to say I love you
I just called to say how much I care
I just called to say I love you
And I mean it from the bottom of my heart

No summer's high

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